Chapter 18- Sitting with Seijoh

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Geez this has to be the longest chapter I wrote!

The first day of the tournament has arrived. The whole Karasuno team made their way inside the building where the matches for the Miyagi prefectures were held. When we all walked in, there were lots of teams around the place. Most of them were looking over at us, whispering.

"Hey, is that guy..." I glanced over at one guy who looked over in shock. "That's Karasuno's Azumane." He looked at Asahi in fear.

When he heard his name being spoken, Asahi froze for a second. I was confused and a bit curious about what's going on.

The guy's teammate was also curious and questioned him. "What? Who's that?"

"Don't you know?" He then began listing off bad rumors about him as if they were real. Asahi was looking a bit down at overhearing all this.

Feeling a bit bad for him, I walked up to him. "Don't mind them, they don't know you. You're a good guy Asahi." I said trying to cheer him up.

He looked over at me, a little thankful. He gave a small smile. "Thanks. You're right, I should just ignore them."

Daichi then started teasing him about his appearance being the problem while Asahi was trying to explain that he liked the way he looked. I laughed a bit to myself before deciding to walk next to Kiyoko and Takeda sensei. The three of us started talking about the banner.

Neither Kiyoko or I noticed that a couple of guys from another team were looking over at us. "Cute..." One of them said. His friend elbowed him and spoke. "Go say hi to them. I dare you." "Should I? Should I try?"

Neither of us knew why, but all of a sudden both Nishinoya and Tanaka were moving crazily around us like they were protecting something. 'What in the world are they doing??' I wondered to myself. Kiyoko and I were both shocked and confused. 

Kiyoko soon got out of her surprise and turned to me. "(Y/N), can I borrow your notebook for a second?" She asked politely.

I was still dumbfounded but nodded my head and handed her my notebook. "Huh? Oh uh, sure?"

She took mine and got out her own. She held them both up hit both boys on the back of their heads with them. "Stop that." She said calmly.

The two of them froze and had weird looks on their faces. "Kiyoko-san... smacked us." They said happily. I didn't know why and was a bit concerned.

Before I could question them about their behavior though, Kiyoko pressed a hand to my back and began pushing me along. "Don't worry about them, they'll be fine."

'Eh?' I was still tremendously confused but followed along anyway. "I-If you say so..."

(Slight Time Skip)

'Well...This is unfortunate...'

What's going on you may ask? Well let me explain for you. The boys are getting ready to go up against their first opponent. Because only one manager can be down by the court, Kiyoko is going to be their while I watch and cheer from the stands. Before the match started I decided to go grab something to drink. But guess what...




"I'm lost?!" I cried out. I guess what happened at Aoba Johsai should have been a lesson for me. Don't get drinks in a unfamiliar place. I was lucky when Oikawa was nearby and brought me with him to the gymnasium back then, but now what?

'I guess I should look for someone to help me.' It didn't take long for me to find someone. And what do you know, it was a guy from the Aoba Johsai team. I think he's the ace right? He seemed to be looking for something. I went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around to face me in surprise. "Um, excuse me. I'd hate to be a bother but do you think you can help me? I'm a bit lost..."

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