Chapter 19- Karasuno vs Dateko

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Our first match was a victory for us. I said my goodbyes to the Seijoh team so I could go see Karasuno and congratulate them. They were all resting in the corner of a room, so that they could rest up for their next match. You could hear the people speaking praises about Karasuno. They were even talking about Shoyo which brought a goofy smile on his face.

Shoyo was looking towards me excitedly. "Do you hear that (Y/N)?! They're talking about me, that's never happened before!"

I laughed at his enthusiasm. "Yeah I hear them. You did a really great job out there. You looked cool."

His cheeks went a little pink. He laughed a little nervously. "W-was I?" He then turned away from me and made another goofy smile. "Oh stop it! I know I looked cool but the praise is embarrassing." 

I sweat dropped at his behavior. "You goof."

He turned back to look at me when he heard me say that, ready to complain, but before he could say anything he looked shocked. I looked behind me and saw that Kageyama was looking at him. "Wh-what? I'm happy. What's wrong with that? No one's ever said stuff like that about me before."

Shoyo and I were a little startled when Kageyama made a scary looking face. "I didn't say anything. I'm glad your getting all the attention. The more the opponents are wary of you, the more they bring out the best in you."

Shoyo looked at him in confusion. "Yeah, I don't really understand what you mean, but you're scary when you're smiling."

I flinched a little at what he said. 'Shoyo do you really have to say something that'll obviously upset him?'

Kageyama's face was blank for a few seconds before he grabbed a hold of Shoyo's head. Shoyo started crying out in pain. I decided to try an step in. I reached up to grab a hold of Kageyama's arm. I had a nervous smile on my face. "C-calm down. That isn't true, I've seen you smile before Kageyama, you have a nice one." I said trying to calm down the setter.

Luckily he did, and he turned to me in surprise. "Do I?" I nodded my head yes. For some reason, his face turned a little red.

'Huh, is he embarrassed? Why? He doesn't seem like the type to get easily embarrassed by compliments like Shoyo.' I thought to myself.

He covers his mouth with his hand. "Thanks..." There was that feeling again. He still didn't know what it was.

Shoyo looked at our exchange in horror, he didn't like what he was seeing, and he immediately jumped in between us. "I-I don't know what you're talking about (Y/N), you must have been imaging things. His smiles are only ever scary looking."

The scary look immediately returned to Kageyama's face and he went back to gripping Shoyo's head tightly. Once again Shoyo was crying out in pain. I started panicking a little, not knowing what to do.

(Time Skip)

It was now time for our team to go up against Dateko. I was back up in the stands with Angelina. When I got there, I notice that the Seijoh team was gone. "Are they getting ready?" I asked her.

She nodded her head. "Yeah, they're going to be playing a match after this one."

"I see." I looked over towards the Dateko team. "Hmm..." I was studying them a bit, looking at each player.

She notices me intensely staring at the team and look at me in confusion. "(Y/N)?" I suddenly turned to her with a serious look, which startled her a bit as she flinches. "Wh-what?"

I tilted my head and looked back at Dateko. "Which guy is your boyfriend?"

She immediately turned red and crossed her arms in the shape of an x. "N-no! I'm not dating any of them, I said I was just asked out!" She sighs. "It's the guy with the brown hair, his name is Futakuchi."

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