Chapter 22- Karasuno vs Seijoh

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Well, the next day has arrived, and so has the match against Aoba Johsai. Sure we played against them in the past, but that was a practice match. This time however, we play against them in a official one. We all knew that it may be hard to beat them, and that if we were to lose, this tournament would be over for us.

Like in the other matches, I was sitting in the stands with Angelina. I looked towards the large group of Aoba Johsai students that were cheering for their team, then I looked at her. "Wouldn't you rather sit with your school?" I asked, pointing to her school.

She also looked towards them then turned back to me with a nervous smile. "No, I'm fine here with you. I'd prefer this."

I tilted my head. "Are you sure? Why?"

"Well..." She looked even more nervous, trying to figure out how to explain. "I just don't get along with some of the people from school. Let's just say that." I squinted my eyes and began staring at her suspiciously. She flinched at my gaze. "Wh-what?"

A menacing aura surrounded me. "You're not being bullied are you?"

Noticing my change in behavior, she quickly tried to settle me down. "N-no! Everything's alright, don't worry about it! B-besides I have the guys to protect me."

Meanwhile, down at the court, Shoyo flinched when he felt a shiver run down his spine. "What is it Hinata?" Tanaka asked.

"I don't know. It's like I feel this angry aura, it feels familiar..." That's when he turned my way. "Oh..."

I calmed down and sighed. "If you say so... Just promise to tell me if things get worse or something." I then brought a fist up with a determined look on my face. "I'll beat up whoever's bugging you."

'Am I seeing a second Iwaizumi??' Angelina questioned in her mind. She sweat dropped. "Yeah I'll tell you. You know for someone who looks adorable, you sure can be scary."

I tilted my head cutely at her. "Eh?"

She sighs with a small smile on her face. She patted me on the head. "Never mind. Anyway, just don't worry your cute little head about it."


The game finally begun with a serve from Karasuno by Tsukishima. Seijoh was able to receive the ball and unfortunately, they earned the first point pretty much right away. I couldn't exactly tell from where I was, but I'm pretty sure the guys are angry by what happened. It also didn't help that they ended up getting another point right after that. I was starting to feel a little anxious. 

I noticed that when we had the ball, Shoyo, Tanaka, and Asahi were all getting ready to go for a spike. The guys on Seijoh were getting confused on who to spike, so it gave me a little hope that we were going o get a point. But what happened next not only surprised me, but both teams as well.

Instead of tossing the ball, Kageyama dumped it. There was silence for a split second before there were cheers. I ended up laughing at what just happened. "I wasn't expecting that!"

Angelina had a dumbfounded expression on her face. "Neither was I..."

"The expressions on their faces were priceless! He really surprised them!" I stopped laughing. "He must have wanted to get back at Oikawa." I said As I watched Kageyama say something to the Seijoh captain that seemed to make him irritated. I giggled a little.

Angelina laughed nervously. "Yeah I guess so."

After A little bit, Seijoh ended up calling a timeout, which seemed weird considering it wasn't too far into the game. It made me worry. I was right to worry, because afterwards, They've been making serves that Karasuno had trouble receiving. They were now several points ahead of us.

It kept going on like this for a little while and Tanaka kept on getting targeted. It didn't take long for our team to call a timeout. Unfortunately we had to even call a second one right away when the coach notice that Seijoh was still targeting Tanaka and he was having a hard time at the moment.

I was going to get even more worried for him when he suddenly slapped both of his own cheeks, which surprised the whole team. He was speaking so loud that I could hear him apologizing to the team.

After the serve from Oikawa, we were able to receive it and Tanaka called for a toss. This time he was able to get a spike, scoring a point for us. Our team cheered for him.

Smiling, I cheered. "Nice spike Tanaka-senpai!"

He immediately turned to look where I was at. He stared for a little bit before cheering himself. "All right! Let's do this!!"

Unfortunately, things didn't end up getting better, it just got worse with the gap between the scores growing. Kageyama was panicking, and after Seijoh scored another point, Sugawara was sent to switch with him.

I frowned. "Oh nooo..." I knew he wasn't going to be too happy about this, of course he wouldn't. I was happy for Suga who was now getting a chance to play, but felt bad for Kageyama at the same time. But despite feeling bad, I figured Ukai did this to give him the chance to calm down. 'It's for the best...'

Luckily, this made things turn out better. Karasuno managed to score a few points, and it went on like that for a while. But in the end, Seijoh managed to win the first set 25-15. There's still hope though! We would just need to win the second and third set.

When the second match started, Sugawara stayed in and we were able to get the first point. Not only that, but the boys managed to break past Oikawa's serving streak thanks to a receive from Daichi and a spike from Tanaka.

After a while of Suga playing and Kageyama watching, it was time for them to switch again. Kageyama was calm now and was ready to play, and he seemed happy to be back on the court. It made me smile to see that. 

When he went to serve he managed to get a point for team. Tanaka ended up approaching him, raising up both hands. I guess he's expecting a couple of high fives from Kageyama, who look confused. I laughed a little, seeing that he had no idea what to do. I laughed a bit harder when Shoyo had to go up and explain to him.

Beside me, Angelina also started laughing. "Your team seems amusing. The expressions on my team's faces were a little funny."

I looked towards the Seijoh team to see that some of them were looking at Kageyama in surprise. I laughed again seeing that. "I guess they've never seen him do that before, given his reputation in middle school."

"Heh. That would make sense. I guess he must have grown."

I looked over at him and there was a small smile on my face. "Yeah. He has."

The second set continued on, and the scores were close. The Karasuno boys tried their hardest and they managed to win the second set. Now all we needed to do was win the third one, and then we'd win the match.

You know what? Because I'm the laziest person in the world, I'm just gonna finish this chapter here. I'm tired, hungry, its past 4 in the morning, and like I said, I'm lazy af. So here ya go!

I thro this chapta in ya face!! 

I thro this chapta in ya face!! 

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