Chapter 24- Memory #4

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Another busy day for the Hinata family. Geez, what do they even do that makes them so busy? But no matter! Because my mom took me to the park, and guess who I found there? Ushijima!

A bit of time has passed and the two of us had played together often. Whenever Shoyo and his family had to go out and do their family thing, my mom would take me to the park where I would often find Ushijima there along with his dad. I often saw his dad teaching him volleyball. 

Whenever the two of us would play together, it's usually drawing pictures, but there were other things we would play together as well. There were times when he would just wordlessly grab my hand and bring me somewhere else for us to play. But there was one game that I LOVED when I was little...

And it was playing house.

I would play this game often with Shoyo, where we would pretend to be husband and wife, but there were times where he would refuse to play because he wanted to do something else most of the time. But with Ushijima however, he didn't seem to mind playing it every time we see each other... Or at least, he simply just doesn't care.

It was funny because he seemed to be taking the role of husband seriously. We would always hold hands, and even when we were playing a different game, he wouldn't break character. It was cute actually. Even adults and teens who see us walking around hand in hand would find this downright adorable. Same with my mom and his dad, who would talk to each other while we played.

"Why are you two holding  hands?" His dad asked. It wasn't like he thought there was a problem with it, like I said, he also thought it was cute. He was just curious why we did it all the time.

With his usual stoic expression, Ushijima responded. "Because she's my wife." He said casually.

I just smiled cutely and swung our joined hands back and forth.

Both our parents had wide eyes yet amused smiles on their faces. "Oh my! Is that so?"  My mom asked while laughing a little. She honestly sort of saw this coming, me making Ushijima play house with me that is. Since I often tried to get Shoyo to play it with me.

He nodded his head and his dad also laughed. "When did you two have a wedding?"

My eyes widened in realization. "We didn't have a wedding."

"Oh no. Are you going to have one?" His dad asked, smiling in amusement.

We looked at each before I nodded and Ushijima replied. "Next week."

"Next week?!" Both parents started laughing again.

My mom let out a happy sigh after laughing before looking at me. "Well anyway, I'm afraid its time for us to head home."  

I let out a disappointed 'aw' before letting go of Ushijima's hand and grabbing my mom's, but not before placing a kiss on his cheek. I smiled and waved goodbye. "Bye bye!"

He also waved goodbye while he had one hand on his cheek. He still had his usual stoic look, but there was a small tint of red present on his cheeks.


I woke up from my dream and smiled to myself. 'What a pleasant memory...' I sighed as I got up and got ready for the day. That was the last time I saw him, it's been years. I don't know what happened, but whenever I went to the park after that day, I no longer saw him there. What happened?

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