Chapter 31- Practice with The Tokyo Captains

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When we made our way to gymnasium #3 and went inside, Akaashi was the first one to notice us. "Oh?"

Bokuto looked over to where he was looking with a smile, seeing Tsukishima who actually willingly visited them this time. "What's this?~"

Kuroo also noticed us and slid into view, also smiling. "What's this? What's this?~" Kuroo turned to me. "Kitten did you bring him to us? How thoughtful of you."

I laughed. "Nope! He actually wanted to come here." I turned to the tall salt shaker. "Right Tsukishima?"

He nodded his head and approached them. "There's something I'd like to ask you. May I?"

"Sure!" Bokuto and Kuroo answered at the same time. Tsukishima looked at them wide eyed for a second, probably because he didn't expect them to agree right away.

He bowed his head. "Thank you very much." He continued to speak. "Both of your schools are sometimes considered powerhouse schools right?

At his words, the duo got irritated. "Well, yeah." Kuroo said angrily.

Tsukishima went on. "Even if you were able to make it to the nationals, actually winning there would be difficult right?"

They got even more annoyed and Bokuto yelled out. "But not impossible!"

Akaashi quickly calmed him down. "Now now, let's hear him out. This is just a what-if."

"I seriously can't figure out how everyone can be so determined. Volleyball is just a club, and maybe you'll just get to write, 'I worked really hard in my club in high school,' on your resume right?"

"Just a club?" Bokuto's eyes narrowed at him and Tsukishima prepared himself for what he might say. Thinking that it might be something very serious, but it wasn't. "That almost sounds like someone's name."

Kuroo gasps and looks over at him in realization. "Ooh, like Mary Club?"

Tsukishima and Akaashi looked at them like they were idiots and I looked between the two of them in confusion while Kuroo and Bokuto talked. "What do they mean? What are they talking about?" 

They both turned to me and both placed a hand on my shoulder. "Ignore them." They both said. Now I was just more confused.

Bokuto then turned to Tsukishima with a big smile. "Say four-eyes."

"It's Tsukishima." He corrected him.

"Say, Tsukishima-kun, is volleyball fun?"

Tsukishima thought about it before shrugging his shoulders. "No, not really..."

"Maybe that's because you suck." Bokuto said bluntly, which Tsukishima reacted in a way I don't really understand. I couldn't understand the face he was making. Maybe he was offended? I don't know. Not even the author is sure how to explain the expression he's making as she watches the scene she's watching for this fanfic and she places a screenshot of it up above for those to see. Just what is that face and what does it mean?! What is going through his head?! She needs answers!!


Bokuto continues, talking about his time playing volleyball. When he finishes, he crosses his arms. "It doesn't really matter what happens in the future, or if you win your next match. The joy of beating the guy in front of you, and when your able to pull out 120% of your potential, is everything."

Tsukishima and I looked at him in awe. I have to admit, the speech he gave was impressive. He paused before continuing. "Well, at least that's how it is for me, and it doesn't mean that applies to everyone. I don't really understand why you say it's just 'just a club', but I don't think your wrong. But once the moment arrives for you..." He points at him. "That's the moment you'll be hooked on volleyball." Tsukishima looks at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to say.

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