Chapter 7

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~Alayna's P.O.V~

Having sex with a werewolf was like having sex on drugs.

From the moment his skin touched mine, no matter the area, sparks would shoot through my skin, and fill my body with an addicting bliss that only made me crave more.

No matter how much he did, my body just couldn't get enough.

It wasn't until many, MANY, powerful orgasms, that I finally felt like I had my fill of him.

To my slight disappointment, Lucien wasn't long before disappearing back to his room... most likely butt hurt from my comment about needing to be fulfilled by more then just him. For someone who barely knew me, he was quite offended. I thought he would have appreciated my honesty.

So, I spent the remainder of my night peacefully sleeping alone. Ignoring the small amount of disappointment that was strangely settling in from his disappearance.

My sleep was short lived though, as Crimson came and woke me up much too early for my liking before insisting, I go to the kitchen for breakfast, despite my disagreement.

"Just coffee, please." I mumble, as Salem shuffled around the kitchen as if he had been up for hours.

"Come on, Alayna. You need to eat something before you under the go the stress of today." he insists, making me roll my eyes.

"I don't understand why I even have to do this... I thought I was here for my protection?" I grumble, annoyed.

"You are, and this plays a huge role in it." he explains, and I let out a small huff.

"I would ask why, but I know you will only reply in riddles." I begin to reply, before Beau enters into the room and cuts me off.

"Finish up and go pack your bags. Were heading to the beach house." he states, making both of us raise our brows in confusion.

"What..." Salem begins to question.

"After talking things over with Crimson, it's best we do this in a safer, less risky area. We don't know how this process is going to go and risking the main house isn't ideal. We worked too hard to perfect this house to each of our standards." Beau explains, making Salem nod in return.

"I'm sorry... but what the hell do you think your going to do with me that is going to put your house in danger? I'm not some psycho bitch who's going to burn it to the ground." I retort, trying to hide the anxiety growing within me.

"Hurry up, Princess. We don't have time for this conversation." Beau replies, in monotone voice before marching out.

"Does he have a stick stuck up his ass? Why is he always so fucking serious. He needs to smoke a joint, have a drink, get fucked and chill the fuck out." I grumble, making Salem burst out with laughing.

"Don't let him catch you saying that." he retorts, making us both laugh.

I finish my coffee, not able to muster an appetite to eat, before making my way back to my room and getting ready before packing the rest of my stuff back up.

Just as I start dragging my bags out of the room, Lucien steps out of his room and easily grabs them for me.

"I got it, baby girl. Come on, we don't want to miss our flight." he tells me, and my eyes widen as I halt in my spot.

"I'm sorry... flight? Is that really necessary?" I ask, the dread beginning to settle in.

"Of course. Why, are you scared?" Lucien teases, and I roll my eyes.

"Of course not." I lie.

"I've just never been on one before and the thought of being stuck inside of something so high above the ground is a bit... uneasy." I continue, and he gives me a small smile.

"Don't worry, baby girl. Once we get above the clouds, the sight will take your breath away and have you wondering why you didn't do it sooner. Plus, I'll be there in case you need someone to hold your hand." he replies, and I quirk a brow at him.

"Who says I would pick your hand to hold? Crimson's would be much softer and prettier to look at. Not to mention Beau's, whose would be much larger and muscular, and no doubt feel more secure." I retort, and the smile quickly drops with displeasure.

"Mine would be warmer." Is all he retorts, before walking away and making his way down the stairs.

I wait a moment before following him down, and it's not long until we all make our way out the door. Salem and Levi hop into a 4-door truck, taking all our bags with them, while the rest of us get into a large SUV.

Beau and Damien sit in the front, with Beau behind the wheel as me and Lucien sit behind them with Crimson sitting behind us.

I sit quietly, watching the trees pass by and try not to let the fear of flying for the first time get to me. I bite my lip and fiddle with my fingers, until Lucien's warm hand suddenly covers them and gently laces through one, which to my surprise does seem to help relax my nerves.

As my anxiety eases and my body slowly begins to relax, a sharp prick to the back of my neck and Crimson's soft voice mumbling an apology, is the last thing I hear before everything suddenly goes black.


I come to, letting out a loud groan as the throbbing in my head is the first thing I feel.

My body feels stiff, and opening my eyes feels like it's taking every ounce of strength until I finally manage to crack them open.

I quickly become aware of the white ceiling above me and can't help but feel utterly confused.

Memories quickly begin coming back to me and as the last one comes up, I instantly feel my temper rising.

"She's. Fucking. Dead." I hiss, with such venom that even I can't recognize my own voice.

"I said I was sorry." Crimson's soft voice replies.

My head snaps to the side, and I can't help but be momentarily distracted by how beautiful she looks.

"Don't pout those sexy red lips at me..." Is all I manage to get out, as my eyes trailed up from her dark red painted lips to her guilt-ridden eyes.

"How do you feel? Can I get you anything?" she asks, her voice sounding too sweet for the deed she has done.

"Oh, I don't know... maybe another dose of whatever the FUCK you just DRUGGED me with? But this time... make sure you prick yourself... bitch." I snap, fueled by my rising temper once again.

"I'm going to let it slide this time, but call me a bitch again, and you're going to get a lot worse then a prick and a deep sleep, Kitten." she warns.

"Bite me." I retort, with more sass than anger this time.

"Don't tempt me, Kitten. I know all the right places to graze my teeth on that sexy little body of yours. I'll have you on your knees within minutes, begging me for more. All you have to do is say one more pleading word."

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