Chapter 14

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"Stay away... please..." I plead brokenly.

"I don't want to hurt you." I murmur quietly, but all I get is a deep chuckle in return.

"You can't hurt me, Temptress. I'm a..." he starts to reply, but I cut him off.

"Vampire? Tell that to the dead one in the car..." I retort, letting out a small sigh.

"Let me rephrase then. You won't hurt me. Now come on, we need to go." he tells me, but I shake my head.

"I'm not going anywhere, Damian. I'm too much of a danger." I state.

"So, what? You're just going to live out here until your either killed or die of starvation? Come on, Temptress. Let's be reasonable here." he replies, rolling his eyes.

"Reasonable? Wouldn't it have been reasonable to let me know that I apparently kill people during intimacy?!" I yell, my hands suddenly covered in flames.

"Let's take a deep breath here. I can survive a lot... flames, not so much." Damian's tone softens as he steps further back from me.

A pang of guilt hits my chest, and my flames instantly vanish.

"Sorry." I mumble, wishing I had better control over myself.

"Just hear me out for a minute, okay?" he asks, and I nod my head for him to continue.

"Yes, we knew you were part demon but that's really all we knew. We honestly had no idea what kind of demon you were or what you would be capable of. When Crimson undid the spell, asides from a quick flash of your eyes there was no signs of anything. We thought maybe the demon part of you was dormant or just blood running through your veins. It wasn't until we found... your... leftovers, that Levi figured it out." he explains, and my eyes instantly narrow at him.

"Leftovers? Seriously?" I hiss with displeasure.

"I'm doing my best not to be an ass okay?! Give me a break and let's go." he groans in annoyance.

"I'm not going, Damian. I can't risk hurting anyone else, let alone you guys. I'm sorry. I'll.... manage on my own." I reply, knowing damn well I wasn't going to be able to do that.

"We both know you wouldn't last more then 24 hours on your own, if that. Now, if you come back with me then we can continue to help you control your new abilities and Levi can even help you control your demon side. Plus, if you don't come with us then you'll never get your memory back. Don't you want to know the truth about your past?" he bargains, and I purse my lips not wanting to cave in so easily.

"Fine... but on one condition." I finally agree, slowly pushing myself up off the cold ground.

"Which is?" he questions.

"If something happens and I start to lose control on one of you... promise you will kill me before I kill them?" I ask, and he smirks.

"Deal. Now, let's go." he agrees, and I make my way over to him and follow him back towards the road.

Before I know it, we are back on the street and making our way straight for the car that I had run from just a little while ago.

"Damian..." I start to murmur, but he cuts me off already knowing my question.

"We have to get you back somehow, and you don't exactly have the speed I do." he tells me, before opening the car door and pulling the dead vampire's body out.

My stomach sinks at the sight of him and it takes everything in me not to be sick.

He throws the body in the ditch before beckoning me closer.

"Burn the body." he states, and I take a step back as I look at him completely horrified.

"That's not funny, Damian!" I hiss at him, feeling absolutely horrible.

"I'm completely serious, Temptress. Burning his body will prevent people from finding him and then inquiring on how a vampire is suddenly dead without a single mark on him and not many demons have your unique ability." he explains, but I shake my head as my hands begin to freeze over with anxiety.

"I-I can't." I stutter, and he lets out a long sigh.

"Listen, if I had something to work with then I would do it myself, but I left my lighter at the rental, so you have to." he explains calmly, and the air around us instantly begins to pick up.

"Look, you already got two elements going... just focus on getting the right one we need to get this done and hit the road." he says, stepping towards me.

"Damian... I... I really..." I begin to plead, and he lets out a long sigh.

He stands directly in front of me and places both his hands on my face, holding my cheeks as he tilts my head up to meet his dark red eyes.

"I know it's hard, but right now you need to be strong and do this. He's already dead, it's not like he's going to feel it. Now, pull yourself together long enough to get this done. Once we get in the car and hit the road, you can drown in your sorrows as much as you want but right now, toughen the fuck up. Got it?" he tells me, and I swear the asshole has compelled me with how intense his eyes are gazing into mine.

"Okay." the word barely slips out of my lips.

The smallest of smiles pulls at his lips and I swear I see a flicker of pride before he pulls away from me.

I suck in a sharp breath and with shaky steps I make my way closer to the body.

I think back to my training session with Levi and focus on harnessing my fire ability, but much to my dismay, I can't seem to bring it out of me.

"Fuck, could you be any slower?! For someone so powerful you seem awfully stupid." Damian comments, instantly pissing me off.

My hands are quickly covered in flames once again and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Want me to burn your ass first?" I hiss at him, and he simply smirks at me.

"No, but I want you to burn that body so we can get the hell out of here." he retorts, and realization quickly kicks in.

He had pissed me off on purpose to get my fire ability to come out.

I turn back towards the body and bend down, reaching my hands out towards it and I shut my eyes and focus on the feeling of spreading my fire. I can feel the pull and as I open my eyes, I can't help but smile with a mixture of excitement and pride as my flames begin to spread and cover the body before me.

As fast as it comes though, it quickly vanishes as I'm reminded at what exactly I'm burning.

"That's enough, let's go." Damian calls out, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I get back up, my flames instantly vanishing and make my way back over to the car where Damian is already holding the passenger door open for me.

"Good job, Temptress." he comments lightly, before shutting the door behind me.

He climbs in the driver's side and instantly turns the car around before speeding back the way we had come from.

"I know this is hard to believe right now... but the guilt will ease. It will never fully leave you, and it will follow you until the day you die... but everything you're feeling right now, will ease over time and soon it will nothing more then a scar on your soul." Damian tells me, his tone so soft, I could hardly believe it had left his lips.

"How do you know..." I ask quietly, biting my bottom lip as I tried to hold in my tears from the guilt and sadness that was eating me from the inside.

"I'm a vampire, Temptress. We all kill from a feed at some point in our lives... usually when we are mature enough to start hunting ourselves and are just starting out. Any being who has to feed on living things has to learn how to feed in moderation, and with time and practice, you will get there. I promise." he explains, reaching out and giving me a hand a small squeeze.

As soon as he goes to move his hand away, I instantly reach out and grab it, and to my surprise he lets me hold it for the remainder of the drive. 

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