Chapter 10

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~Alayna's P.O.V~

"Come on, baby girl. It's time to wake up." A familiar voice tells me softly, as they gently shake me.

I let out a loud displeased groan, turning my body away from them when a sudden loud bang rings through the air.

"Jesus, Alayna." the voice grumbles, and I jolt my body up and look over to see Lucien plopped on the floor next to the wall.

"What the hell are you jesusing me for? I didn't do shit." I snap, feeling incredibly cranky.

"Maybe not intentionally, but it was definitely you who threw me across the room for trying to wake you up." he mumbles, as he pushes himself back up.

"Stop talking nonsense. I'm the only normal one here." I state, but as fast as the words slip through my lips, a sudden wave of memories come flooding back.

The images are incredibly vague, the only true clear one is Levi giving me a glass of whiskey... from there everything is a blur. I run my hands over my face as my head begins to throb as I try to sort out what has gone on.

"What did you guys do to me...." I groan, as my head only aches more with no success.

"I would like to make it very clear that I played no part in this, but Crimson performed a spell on you to break one that had been previously put on you to conceal and hide your abilities." he tells me, coming over and cautiously sitting next to me on the bed.

"I'm sorry, did you just say abilities?" I question him, and he lets out a long sigh.

"There's a lot of explaining that needs done. She really should of gave you your memories back first." he says, running a hand through his hair.

"What memories? Lucien, you're talking in riddles again and I think it's time I get some damn answers before I LOOSE MY FUCKING MIND!" I go from talking to yelling.

A small scream leaves my lips as the bed is suddenly engulfed in flames around me and Lucien quickly jumps away, hurrying towards the door.

"I NEED SOME HELP UP HERE!" he yells out of it, just before the sound of a fire alarm begins to ring through the house.

I feel as though I am in complete shock as I am quickly aware of the lack of heat I'm feeling. It was as if there wasn't even a fire burning around. I cautiously move my hand out, holding it over the open flames and a loud gasp leaves my lips as not even a slight sensation or burn appears.

How the hell was I fireproof? Was this part of my ability?

"This... this is wild." I comment, feeling amazed but also a bit fearful.

Did that mean I was also the one who started it?

The sound of Crimson's voice quickly has me looking up towards the doorway to see her with her hand out towards me as she said a few words in a language I did not understand. Within seconds all the flames vanish, leaving behind a very burnt bed.

"You should have told me she was up." Crimson hisses at Lucien, before stepping towards me.

"How are you feeling, kitten? she asks cautiously, and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Physically, I feel fine asides from being tired and hungry. Mentally, on the other hand..." I begin to reply but stop in fear that I would accidently start another fire.

"I want answers now, please." I say, trying to be as calm as possible and she nods in understanding.

"Get dressed and meet us in the kitchen and we will explain everything, deal?" she asks, and I nod in agreement, as I realize my current clothing has been mostly burnt.

Lucien steps towards me and reaches out towards me, gently lifting me off the burnt bed, no doubt in fear that it would snap at an attempt to get off of it myself.

"Thank you... and sorry for almost burning you and apparently throwing you against a wall." I tell him, and he lets out a small chuckle.

"All is forgiven, baby girl. Go have a shower and I'll meet you in the kitchen." he tells me, placing a soft kiss to my forehead before setting me down in front of the bathroom door.

I eagerly step inside, getting myself cleaned up and getting ready for the day before making my way downstairs.

Everyone except for Damian is sitting in the dining room waiting for me and I take a seat next to Salem, thanking him for the food before turning towards Beau and Crimson.

"Go ahead, start explaining." I state, before picking up half of a cream cheese bagel.

"When Roman brought you to us for protection, he also informed us that you weren't human. You can't remember your true self or your past before the age of 15 because you were compelled to forget it for your own protection. Once you have enough control of your abilities, Crimson will undo all the compulsion giving you all the memories back. Until then, we will give you the basic need to know knowledge." Beau tells me, and I narrow my eyes.

"Why not just give me back my memories now? That would make this easier, wouldn't it?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"You will be filled with many emotions and if you can't control your abilities... you will no doubt go crazy and destroy god knows what. If you learn to control your abilities first, then you can keep them under wraps as you digest having your old memories back." he explains, and although I wasn't happy about it, I couldn't disagree with their thinking.

"Fine... tell me about these abilities I have." I reply, changing the topic.

"You have the ability of all elementals. Something that has never existed. You posses the power to create and control Earth, Fire, Water, Ice, Air and Soul." he explains.

"Uh huh... so what am I? Some sort of element witch?" I ask, making them all laugh.

"Try fae." Crimson replies.

"Fae? I thought they went extinct years ago..." I mumble, having very little knowledge of them.

"That's what they wanted existence to believe. Typically, fae can have 1 or 2 elements, you on the other hand have all of them, making you extremely powerful." Beau tells me, and I can't help but grin.

"More powerful than all of you?" I question, and he rolls his eyes.

"At this moment? No. Once you learn how to use each of them, then... in a way, yes." he replies cautiously.

"Wicked." I grin.

"Don't forget to tell her about the other part." Levi pipes in.

"What other part?" I question, thinking I finally knew it all.

"Your also part demon." Beau mumbles.

"Demon? Like Levi?" I question.

"Yes, and no. You are a demon, but we aren't sure what type of demon you are yet or what demonic abilities you possess." he replies.

"Interesting..." I reply, before finishing my bagel.

"So, when do I start training? The faster I learn, the faster I get my memories, right?" I say.

"Yes, but this isn't a race. We take as long as we need in order to get you to where you need to be." Beau states, sounding like a damn professor.

"Uh huh, well consider me a fast learner. Now, like I said, when do I start?" I reply, and he lets out a small sigh.

"Tomorrow." he replies.

"Perfect, let's make it today." I state with determination.

"Your body needs rest." Crimson pipes in.

"Fuck rest. Let's get this shit started." 

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