Chapter 6

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" Hi! I'm Queen Poppy, of the pop trolls. This is branch, biggie and mr. dinkles. And this is my big brother and sister, Nathan and Natalie!" Said poppy to the two leaders of the other tribe. Branch and biggie wave hello to them while the twins smile akwardly at them. But Nathan notice that techno leader, was staring at Natalie. He step forward as he spoke to poppy," Okey nice introduction but we better get going to the other tribe, cause the rock trolls are going to country tribe"

Poppy nodded as she quickly follow them. Natalie was about to follow, but something hug her legs making her stumble forward. She looks down to see a baby techno troll hugging her legs." Uh.....Guys?" Called Natalie to them, making everyone look at her then notice the baby was hugging Natalie's legs. Nathan smile as he went to his twin side." I think that this little guy refuse to let you go Natalie." Said Nathan, as he, too, stumble backward as the little one hug his legs too. His eyes went wide as he stared at the techno troll.

" alright........guys we have to bring you guys with us then" said branch as poppy squealing in joy. The leaders, who was Trollex and Trollzart look confuse why the pop queen was squealing. Natalie rolled her eyes at the squealing queen as she said," Poppy, stop squealing""okey. Okey. Okay" said poppy to her big sister.

On their way to lonesome flats were the country troll lives, The twins notice that trollex and Trollzart, were close them, instead to poppy and the others. Nathan slow down a bit as he manage to reach trollzart side as he asked," soooo.......How did you guys escape?" Trollzart look at him as trollex, said," well, i was the one, who plan to escape. Once i finally figure it out the lock then i brought him out of the cage. And i kinda went to the opening, which i need to leap out to escape." Nathan notice fear in trollex eyes, same goes to trollzart.

He look at his twin, who was carrying the baby techno troll in her arms. They both give each other a worried look on their face." Wow. That's a lot to take it." Said Nathan as he put his hands behind his head as Natalie rolled her eyes at her twin but smile. Trollzart flew in front of Natalie and asked," excuse me, but why are you siblings to pop queen?" Natalie blink for a second, as trollex agree to him by saying," yeah. You guys don't look like a troll" the twins look each other then sigh as Nathan said," we're adopted. We were found by her father in the forest when we were 4 years old."" Were kinda orphan but we were adopted by the royal family" said Natalie as she tickle the baby which the little one laugh making her smile.

Trollzart and trollez look each other then to them." don't regret being in the tribe of pop trolls??" Asked trollex as Nathan and Natalie raise their eyebrow in confuse." What do you mean we regret being in the pop trolls?" Asked Nathan as he cross his arms to them with confuse look on his face.

As night came. Everyone camp out close to the river, so the baby and trollex can swim around comfortable. The Twins sat down, far away from the others. Nathan was in deep thought at what trollzart said.' What does he mean that it was pop trolls fault that all the tribes seperate 20 years ago?' Thought Nathan as Natalie brought out her guitar and his guitar then give it to him. Nathan look at his twin and smile," thanks Natalie"" no problem." Said Natalie.

Both twins started playing the guitar without care of the world. They didn't notice that it got the attention of the other trolls, that they never heard it for the first time. Poppy grin as she sat down as she watch her siblings played their guitar. Branch was beside her, listening too. Biggie sat comfortable as he listen. Trollzart look at the twins curiously and interest when he heard the music. The baby techno troll clap his hands as he giggle and listen. Trollex stared at the twins with awe and amazed on his face.

I thought that i'd been hurt before.

But no one's ever left me quite this sore.

Peace keeper of music( Trolls world tour fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now