5: The start of a bloody war

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**time skip to after 5 boring months in Deaton's office**

Thomas/Stiles POV:

"I say we give it a try." I tell the others. In those past 5 months we grew closer. But I never told them what happened to me.

"You think we waited long enough?" Kira asks worried. "No, we should probably wait another 5 months." I answer sarcastically. "I'm serious." She says, clearly very worried that we burn to death.

"Nahh, we'll be fine." I say while opening the door. "And we don't have much of a choice either, we don't have food anymore." "Thomas wait!" Scott shouts when I open the door. In those past 5 months, they also started to use my real name, finally. "What?" I ask annoyed. "You just ruined the moment!" I say putting a lot of sarcasm in my voice.

"If you die.." He starts saying but I interrupt him. "Blablabla.. if I want a speech I'll go to Vince." I say. "I've heard enough speeches for the rest of my life, believe me shank." I continue.

"Just go outside and we'll see soon enough if it's safe or not." Peter huffs. "You know, if I die you shanks will never survive out there." I say while winking at them.

I open the door and go outside. I close it after me. I walk into the sun and wait for a few seconds. "Great, I'm not burning to death!" I laugh. "YOU SHANKS CAN COME OUTSIDE I'M NOT DEAD!!" I yell at the others.

Soon everyone is standing outside. "I missed fresh air." Malia sighs. "And now?" Derek asks curious. "Seriously shank. Didn't you listen to my plan?!" I say pretending like I am hurt.

"That was five months ago.." He says, trying to defend himself. "It's not my fault you have the memory of a dead fish." I tease him.

"Anyway we are going to the Sheriff Station for some guns. And pay a little visit to my house to see if my 'dad' is still alive." I continue. "So I say, let's go you ugly shanks!" I shout at them already walking away.

It was weird to walk in a ruined city. Nearly every house was destroyed and the streets were empty. A really good spot for a horror movie.

"Thomas! Come back!" Deaton shouts after me. I turn around and walk back. "Why can't we go?" I ask frustrated. "We can go." He says. "But you can't go alone." I look surprised at him. "First, I wasn't going alone. Was I? And second, why?" He sighs. "WICKED is still out there." My mouth falls open.

"Wha- We blew up the city. I mean- I didn't, but-" I was interrupted by Deaton. "That was fake." "The city didn't exploded?" I ask, totally not getting what he was trying to say.

"Yes it did, Thomas. But it wasn't their headquarter. Their headquarter is in the real world. And it is prepared for this." He continues. "So.. they are going to put kids in the trials again?" I question him.

"No. They're after you." He sighs. "Oh great, I really needed the hear that right now! Why can't something go right?! Why can't my blood be normal!" I yell in frustration. "I'm sorry Thomas." Deaton apologises. "Like you need to apologise." I say to him, not really understanding why he said sorry.

"I feel like I needed to." He says to me. "Well, at least they stay away from you guys. And from my friends." I say, trying to be optimistic. Deaton looks at me with raised eyebrows. "Oh shuck.. guess nobody is safe then."

"Why do they need you?" Lydia asks, clearly worried about me. "My blood. I'm immune and with my blood they can make a cure for the Flare." I answer the strawberry blonde girl.

"You never told us what the Flare was." Isaac says. "It's impossible to explain it. You'll see it in a few minutes, I'm afraid." Deaton answers for me.

"Than I guess we'll get going." I say. "And look out for Bergs." I continue. "And cranks."

We walk for about an hour until we arrive at the sheriff station. The building was ruined. But I still managed to get in. I walk over to a room full of weapons.

I grab some daggers and two guns. The others don't take anything and I look confusing at them. "You need to take something to defend yourself I'm not doing all the killing for you shanks." I say frustrated.

"We have our own things to protect ourselves." Malia answers. I look at her with raised eyebrows. "Like.." I was interrupted by Malia who suddenly roars at me, with fangs and blue eyes.

I stand there shocked. "WHAT THE SHUCK WAS THAT?!" I yell at Malia. Not really scared, more confused.

"We're werewolves." Theo says. "Except Kira, she is Kitsune or fox and Lydia's a banshee, and Malia is a werecoyote." Scott says. "And Deaton of course, he is a druide." Isaac adds to Scott. "Freaks." I murmur under my breath.

I grab a gun and trow it at Deaton. "You still need to protect yourself." I say. "And all of you." I say while pointing at the others. "You are all jacked in the head." I continue. "And you." I say while pointing at Peter. "You are a psycho werewolf who is even more jacked in the head." I spat at him.

"What?" He asks pretending that he is offended. "I didn't even say anything!" He says while defending himself. "No need to your creepy face did." I spat at him. I grab another spare gun and walk outside.

*** *** ***

Scott POV:

"Great. Now he is angry at us." I sigh. "He would be more angry if he figured it out in a fight or something." Malia says trying to cheer me up.

"I don't think he is angry." Lydia says. "I think he is just shocked." Peter rolls his eyes. "He called me a psycho werewolf!" He hisses. "Well.. I didn't hear his heart skip a beat, so he wasn't lying." Derek says, too amused for the situation before he walks away.

I grab some guns just to be sure and walk outside as well. After a while we are all gathering in front of the Sheriff Station. "And now?" Thomas asks. "You are the one with the plans!" Theo says.

Thomas sighs. "Fine. We go search my dad. Then your mom." He says while pointing at me. "And then we find my friends. And they will know if Vince is alive or not. If he is, we search him and the right arm. If he's not, yeah. We'll see what we do than." Thomas explains.

"And stay out of the hands of WICKED." He adds before walking away. We all follow him and I look at Malia. She sighs and looks at Thomas. "He is a leader now." She murmurs so only I can hear it. "Our leader."

*** *** ***

Whoop Whoop!!! New chapter!!! I promised some action and THIS is totally not action, it's a boring and short chapter. But from now on I'm making the chapters shorter so my book is longer. I don't want to end with 8 chapters or something ;). Anyway, I hope you still enjoyed this one. And give it a vote!! (And we're 499 in mazerunner so tyyy!!)
CU xoxo

Edit: the chapters do get better but still what the helllll—?

Game Over (A Teen Wolf and Maze Runner crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang