16: Plans don't work without friends

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*JR Bourne read my comment out loud in his live I died-*

Newt POV:

I sit down again after they agreed they were coming with me. I look behind me at the place where WICKED once was standing. A blue liquid caught my eye.

I stand up, ignoring the confused reactions of the others. I walk towards the cure and hold it in my hand, he lost it. A few feet from the cure, chuck's little poppet was lying in a bush. I pick it up and wrap fingers firmly around the cure and the poppet and jog over to the others again.

"Why did you suddenly walk away?" Scott asks when I sit down. I gently lay the cure and the poppet on the ground. "He lost it.." I murmur under my breath. "That's a good thing, isn't it?" Isaac asks, causing all of us to look at him in confusion.

"I mean, if he still had it. WICKED would definitely have taken it away from him."
I sigh when I realise he is right. "Yeah, I guess so."

I look at the sky, a part of me excepting to see a Berg again. "We need a plan." Scott's voice lingers in the distance while my gaze is still locked at the sky. "Yeah." I say without looking away. "He had a plan, why don't we use that, it's not worthless."

"And that plan was..?" Isaac asks from my left. I tear my gaze away from the sky and look him in the eyes. "Finding the others."

"Yeah okay, but how- I mean- we don't know where they are." Scott says while looking me straight in the eyes, causing me to look away from Isaac and stare in his eyes as well. Worry was written all over his face because of his best friend that got kidnapped not even 20 minutes ago.

"Can't we blow up their headquarter first?" Malia asks, with a tone of excitement in it. I roll my eyes at her behaviour. "I learned one thing out there with WICKED. You can't survive on your own." "We're not on our own." Scott protests. "Yes we are, Scott. We need the right arm, they will help us and make a proper plan."

"Fine, we find the right arm first." Scott agrees after a few seconds of silence.

*** *** ***
Thomas POV:

Minho stares at me with a wide grin after I crushed the camera. "Nice job Shank." I smile back at him. "I know."

"Okay plan." I say while clapping in my hands in boredom. "My plan's are always perfect so this would be no problem." Minho rolls his eyes at me.

"Yeah right, your plans always suck."

My mouth falls open and I bring my hand up to my heart, pretending to be deeply hurt by his teasing words. "My plans, are the best!"

"Yeah? Like that plan you had, what was it again? Oh yeah, that 'plan' to save my ass completely failed."

"It was was a very good plan!"

"Still failed."

"Okay, fine." I huff while crossing my arms. I look at him like a little kid who has their candy taken away from. "Maybe they aren't the best. But I can't imagine you coming up with a better plan."

Minho remains quiet, a signal that I have won this one. Who would ever believe that I won a discussion from Minho? "Oh no, you didn't win this one Shank." He clarifies, like he just read my mind.

I stand up, completely ignoring Minho's statement and I start walking around the room. "Shank stop being so nervous." Minho says from behind me.

I keep walking without looking at Minho. "I'm not nervous, I'm thinking. You should try that too- oh no wait you can't think without brains."

Minho is taken aback by my sudden change in moods. He looks at me with wide eyes, clearly not fully understanding of what I just had said to him. I shrug it off and start walking around the room again.

"First of all we need to know where this building is." I say, thinking out loud. "Yeah good luck with that Shank."

I run my hands nervously through my hair while thinking of a way to know where we are. But sadly, my mind is completely blank and not even a single plan is starting to form in my head. I let my hands fall down my side again before I start walking circles in the room again.

Minho is clearly annoyed by my tactic of finding a plan because he lays down on his bed, gaze locked at the white ceiling. "Shank, please stop doing that?"

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Doing what?"

He rolls on his left side to look me in the eyes. "Stop walking around it really pisses me off."

"And it pisses me off that I have no clue on how escaping from this hell hole." I say while slowly starting to walk again. When I realise I started moving again I stopped. "Yeah, I'll stop doing that."

I sit down on his bed, my head resting in my hands. "We will get out of here, don't worry you shank." Minho says while clapping my back.

I lower my hands and look him in the eye. "Yeah, I hope so." I look forward again until my eyes fall onto a tablet. I jump up and grab it before sitting down on his bed again seconds later.

Minho looks at it with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. I open the tablet, surprised when there is no passcode. "And what now?" Minho asks while trying to figure out what I was going to do.

An evil smirk slowly appears on my face. My eyes brightening up with the new hope rushing through my veins. I wink at him before looking back at the tablet. "Let's hack into WICKED's files."

*** *** ***
Heyhey!! I know this chapter is kinda short but hey, I am writing this at 0:45 AM so sorryyyhh :)
Adios xoxo
1020 words

Edit: this chapter was actually not bad

Game Over (A Teen Wolf and Maze Runner crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz