6: Death doesn't have limits

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I'm sorry.

Thomas POV:

We were walking for a few hours now. And still no sign of WICKED. "WICKED is very quiet. Too quiet." I say looking at the sky.

"What did you think? That they would be waiting at Deaton's office to catch you immediately after you got out?" Theo huffs.

"Yes, actually I did thought that they would do that. It wouldn't surprise me. WICKED would do everything."

"Can't they track you or something?" Lydia asks worried. "No, they can't track me. Teresa removed it." I answer.

"You talk a lot about Teresa, but who is she?" Isaac asks me. I sigh and look forward. "What do you want to know?" I reply.

Isaac waits a moment before he answers. "Uhh, I don't know. You just talks about her all the time. But we don't know a thing about her. Is she one of the friends you are searching for?"

Oh, I wish she was one of the friends I was looking for. Then I could see her again. "No, no she isn't one of them."

"Why not?" Malia asks instead of Isaac. "Because she just isn't." I spat back. Not wanting to talk about her death.

"She died didn't she?" Lydia asks in a sweet and soft tone. I go quiet for a couple of seconds. I close my eyes and when I open them again the world is blurry because of unfallen tears.

"She didn't just die-" I mumble. "She- She sacrificed herself, to safe me." I close my eyes and let the tears fall. I feel them roll down my cheek. Someone puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze.

I look up and see Scott standing next to me with a look of sympathy in his eyes. 

*** *** ***

Thomas POV:

We took a rest after my 'little breakdown'. Nobody has said a word after that. Until Isaac thought it was funny to say something, really what's wrong with that guy?

"You loved her, didn't you?" He asks. I gave him the 'are-you-serious-I-am-going-to-feed-you-to-cranks' look. "Sorry." He stutters.

I roll my eyes and look somewhere else. "How long until we are at 'my house'?" I ask Scott. "A couple of blocks away." He answers. "And you don't need to say 'house' and 'dad' and that sort of words in that tone like they aren't yours." He adds.

I ignore him and turn to Deaton. "Why does WICKED want me anyway? They know how to make the cure right?" I ask him. "They still need your blood." He answers.

I groan. "Why my blood?" I ask nobody in particular. "Because you're immune." He answers me. "Minho is immune too." I huff. "And why didn't they just brought my back after the maze trails?" Deaton looks at me. "Because they're not scientists. They don't know how to make the cure. But they watched how Teresa did it."

"Next time I see one of those shanks I'll make sure they never see the next day." I say angrily. "Why didn't you make the cure, you could do it right?" Lydia asks Deaton.

"They asked me, but I refused. And because I refused they erased my memories from my time at WICKED." He explains. "How can you remember it than?" Scott asks.

"Because I removed it." "So you could have removed it by Thomas?" Derek asks in his emotionless voice. Like always. "Oh yeah, he offered me to remove it but I refused." I answer.

"What?! Why would you do that!" Scott nearly yells at me. "I didn't want to come close with you guys. And if I remembered you I would be close to you."

They all look very surprised. "Why- Why didn't you want to come close with us." Isaac asks. His voice full of surprise. "Because." I start saying. "The more close I am with you the more it will hurt when you die."

"We are not going to die!" Malia defends not only her, but the others as well. "We're werewolves remember." "That's not gonna stop them." I shot back. "Who is them?" It was Lydia's time to ask now. "WICKED and cranks." I say while getting up.

"What are cranks?" Malia asks. For the thousandth time. They all ask too much what cranks are. "People with the Flare." I reply. While putting my backpack on.

"And what is the Flare?" Malia asks again. "Geez stop asking questions." I answer before walking away.

I hear them sigh and walk after me. I stop when I see a man standing in the middle of the empty road. Because I stopped, the others bumps into me. "Thomas what the hell?!" Scott says frustrated.

I put my finger on my mouth and point to the man. "Ohh a person." And he starts walking toward the man but I immediately pull him back. "Don't you smell it?" I whisper yell at him. "Smell what?" He asks, way too loud.

"Just smell! And keep your voice down." I spat at him. "It's smells like.. death.." Scott whispers. "Exactly." I answer. "That." I say while pointing at the man. "Is a crank."

"How do you know that?" Theo asks. I shut him up but answer nevertheless. "Just how he is standing there." They all look at me confused with raised eyebrows. I sigh. "Years and years of practise."

I load my gun and walk slowly up towards the man. I keep the other behind me. Suddenly the man turns toward us. I flinch back in surprise and nearly fall over the others. Shuck, I will never get used to cranks.

I point my gun at him, but when I realise who it is.. I lower my gun. "Dad..?" My voice cracks and I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

He runs towards me and tackles me on the ground. He hold me on the ground and starts screaming at me. "You- You filthy munie!! You're not worth to be my son! You ruined my life!" He spat at me. I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"You're not worth to be alive!! You should be dead! You should be dead instead your mother! You killed her, do you hear me!" He shakes me roughly. "And now you are killing me!" Black blood is al over me.

I break free from his grip and hold my gun at him. My hands are shaking, just like when I wanted to kill Ava Paige. "You're right." I mumble. "You're right." I repeat. "Now I'm killing you." My finger rests on the trigger and I'm pointing the gun right at his head.

He is still laying on the street. Not moving this time. "I'm sorry.. dad.. I'm so sorry" With my heart falling into a black abyss. I pull the trigger. Right before it hits his target. I mumble a soft "I love you.."

*** *** ***

WHY AM I SO HORRIBLE?! I literarily cried while writing the last part. Please don't hate me!! But if you liked the chapter (probably not because I just killed the Sheriff) comment and give it a vote. Be prepared for an emotional next chapter.
Love from the devil who has no heart and kills the best personages. Xx

Edit: why did I do that? I will never understand why I did that

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