10: If you stop running, you stop fighting

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Thomas POV:

*^^ oops, it's not Scott's POV, sorry guys you need to wait another chapter before you see the cutie again :)*

I stand up and yawn while stretching my arms. "Morning.." I say while checking if there is any food left.

"There isn't food anymore. We should go search for a supermarket." I say while walking back to Luka and Chris. "You think the others are looking for you?" Chris asks me. I grab Luka and put him on my lap. "Yeah, I guess, I think Scott would." Chris sighs. "You said WICKED is searching for you. But I haven't seen them. Not even a little thing of something odd." I huff, I have a feeling I know exactly what they are doing. "They probably keep theirselves quiet so they can kidnap me out of nowhere. Sounds like WICKED."

"What do you want to do now?" Chris asks me, like I am the leader here. That shank is the adult, he should know what to do. "Depends on how things go." He looks at me like I'm taking Chinese or something. "What do you mean?" I sigh. "I mean, depends if WICKED shows up. If Scott finds us. If we find Minho.. It all depends on how things go." I explain. He nods in understanding.

"But for now, I guess we should go look for food than." Chris sighs while standing up. "I am hungry!!" Luka yells in my ear. I jump up. "You don't need to yell to say that." I laugh and pick him up. "C'mon, let's find some food!"

We've been walking around for a few hours now, without any success. Luka is really tired, and my arms are too. But I don't show it. I need to be strong for Luka. He has it harder than me. "There!" I say looking at a ruined supermarket. Chris looks were I am looking but doesn't see it. "Where?" "I can't point with a little kid on my arm, you know." I laugh. "At 11 o'clock."

We go inside the supermarket. Luka isn't sitting on my arm anymore, he walks while holding my hand. I search for food that looks at least eatable. I look to my tightens see a plush penguin. I walk towards it and pick it up. "Hey Luka!" I yell at the little kid. "Look what I found!" Luka comes storming to me. I give the penguin to him. He looks at it and than gives it a big hug. I laugh at the sight of a four-year old and a plush penguin. "How are you going to name him?" I ask Luka. "HUGSY!!" He yells excited.

"Well c'mon Hugsy, we need to find some food." I joke. "And bring Luka with you." Luka let out a cute little laugh before grabbing my hand, with his other hand he holds Hugsy.

After a while we all gather in front of the store. "Okay, we got food for a few days so after-" I stop talking and look at the sky. "What's wrong?" Chris asks me. I hold my hand up to shut him up and listen again. The sound was more clear, and I know exactly what that sound means. "Berg.." I murmur. "Wha-?" Chris starts saying but I interrupt him. "HIDE, EVERYBODY HIDE!!" I yell and I grab Luka and run back into the store as fast as I can. I hear Chris running after me. I came slipping to a stop. "What the hell?!" Chris whisper yells at me. "Shhhhhh.." I whisper at him with a finger over my mouth.

Not long after that a berg and a few helicopters are flying above us. We all keep quiet and wait until they are gone. A second after they are gone I slowly stand up. "Wait here." I whisper at them, I know Chris was going to protest so before he could answer I walk outside

Nothing is outside, but I still slowly grab my gun. I turn around while looking at the sky. Nothing. Not a damn thing. I sigh in frustration and walk back inside. "I think everything is clear but I am not sure." Chris comes walking to me with Luka right behind him. Luka still had Hugsy very close to him. I had a feeling he was going to be angry at me. And hell damn I was right.

"What were you thinking? They could still be out here and you just walk outside?" His voice is both calm and full of anger. "You knew didn't you? That your 'plan' never was going to work. That now that WICKED is still after you, you need to run for the rest of your life? You knew it."

"Yeah, I knew." I whisper. "I can't run for the rest of my life, Chris! I just can't. You don't know what that is like. Running from something bigger than you." Chris looks me straight in the eyes. "You have to, you have to keep running Thomas." "I don't want that!" I spat back. He doesn't have the right to speak like that, he doesn't know what it is like. "I know, but you don't have another choice. If you stop running, you stop fighting. And when you stop fighting, than you admit they are stronger than you. Than you do exactly what they want you to do!" He says, trying to make me understand him.

"We took WICKED down once, we can do it again. And after that, no more running. No more fighting. Just us and the survivors. And that is good enough." I say, now looking in his eyes as well.

"Maybe." He just answers. "What do you want to do now?" I look away, thinking about what to say next. "Find Minho, they'll help me. If WICKED isn't after them already too. They are my friends. They fight with me. 'Till the end." "Good, that would be a plan if you knew where they are. But you don't." I chuckle. I like that guy, but he underestimates me. "Not yet. Give me some time. And I'll come up with a proper plan." He looks at me, waiting for me to continue.

"But for now, we'll find a place to rest." I say while grabbing my backpack and slinger it over my shoulders. "It's like 2 in the afternoon or something." He protests while looking at the sun. He reminds me of Jorge. He would look at the sun too, to see how late it is. I can use that. "We have a kid that needs rest. When I came here I saw a wood, I think it's maybe an hour walking, we can rest there." I say while picking Luka up. "Don't loose Hugsy." I say while smiling at the little kid.

*** *** ***

Thomas POV:

We arrive at the wood and look for a good spot to rest. After a while we found a good spot and Luka is lying against me, with Hugsy close to him. "If you lived in this world before it actually happened. What would you do when it happened for real?" I ask Chris. He looks surprised at me. "I would look for the ones I knew before, and if I didn't know where to find them. I would think like them." I thought about that. What would I do? Well, that was a stupid question I realise. I would do what I am doing right now, looking for them. "And if you knew they would be looking for you?" I ask again. "Than I would stay at a place they know where to find me." I jump up, causing Luka to fall of me. "I KNOW IT!!" I scream in happiness.

"What? How do you know?" Chris asks surprised. I sit down again and put Luka on my lap. "Well, you remind me of Jorge. One of them. So when you said, you would stay at a place I could find them. I know a place they can be looking for me! The place where the right arm was first, well yeah it can also be where me and Gally met again. But that probably blew up." I say exited. "That was fake, right?" He asks unsure. "Yeah it was. But it still has to exist somewhere on earth right?" I say, still fully believing in my plan. "And you know how to find that?" He asks me.

"No I don't." I say while looking at him. He looks back with a not-understanding look. "Well, than your plan isn't going to work." I smile at him, causing him to look even more not-understanding. "I don't know where it is. But Deaton does." "Yeah and he is with the others." Chris says. "Some find them first?" He asks, trying to understand my plan. "Yes, we find them. Than we find Minho and the others. And than we take WICKED down, and after that. We rebuild The Right Arm." I say, still smiling uncontrollably.

I stand up and throw Luka and Hugsy in the air. He yells surprised, but it soon turns into a laugh. I catch him and his penguin and I spin around as fast as I can without dropping him. "I'M GOING HOME!!" I yell happily.

*** *** ***

Hey hey!! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was way too tired and I didn't really have inspiration. But now I am back on track! Hell yeah I have the whole book planned out. It's probably going to end with a bit less than 20 chapters, I know it's short. But some chapters are really long. And I also don't want that it keeps going on endlessly because than it wouldn't be fun anymore. Also got you some Harry Potter and Friends references, hope you like the chapter!! Like, vote, share!!
Cya xx

Edit: why am I editing this in the middle of the night again? I could easily do it when it's day but neeehhh

Game Over (A Teen Wolf and Maze Runner crossover)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara