PART 1:: Chapter 2

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Phoebes' POV

Life isn't always what it seems. There will be doubts;disappointments and happiness. I don't believe in happy endings those are fictions. When my mom died from a truck collision when I was fifteen it tore my heart into bits and pieces.

There was never a day that went by and I didn't think about her. I only have my father for support no friends; no relatives that are near  no one it's just me a typical loner girl with good grades in every class and almost every teacher's favorite.

Throughout my mid school year and now my high school year I have been by myself anti social if you must say. I tried making friends but no one accepted me to them I'm a disgusting loner and I got teased throughout middle school and a little bit in high school.

But I haven't told my dad nor anyone I kept it to myself. It all added to my anxiety attacks which I get when I have negative thoughts and other stuffs. Whenever I'm having an attack I always hold onto a small dove my mom gave to me before she passed away. I use it to think about the good times we shared.

My life at high school is quite normal: dad drives me to school in the mornings;I get to my first and second classes; have lunch by myself; I attended the rest of my classes and dad picks me up after school. This is like my regular routine and I have gotten use to it for the last four years and one week.

Yes you guessed right; I'm a junior. At the most wonderful and prestigious Brooklyn Technical High 'please note my sarcasm.' I hate that hell hole that they call a school I don't fit into any of the groups there. I'm in my own league and that's what makes me stand out in my own little way.

When ever we have competitions I would join and I would always bring victory to the school then everyone forgets about me. So that's why I decided to just focus on my school work and quit. Everyone wondered why I did it but I told them that there was no reason behind it even though there was. 

I just kept it to myself. By now you know that I'm a secretive person and I don't share certain information with people. Oh and did I forget to mention the pamper girls Evan and her so called besties Lia and Gena.

I so can't stand them I don't hate them I just can't stand there constant beauty pampers and hoe actions but I try to stay as far away from them and it's working thank God. This was just my life until him. My life Before Him. I'm Phoebe Carmel and this is My story.........

I know that this chapter is short but in chapters to come there will be more. But in the meantime what do you think about Phoebes' personality is it too boring or does it remind you of how you are?
Well!! Next time 👋

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