Chapter 18

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I struggle to keep up with Bri as she drags me along with her up to her room. When we finally reach there I'm in pure awe. Her bedroom has a lot of colors that blend in very well with each other. She has posters of an actor named Hero. She also has a huge walk in closet;a medium size bathroom and a king size bed.

"Feel free to sit anywhere you like" she says and walks into her closet then comes back out with two crop tops and pj shorts. She hands me a pair and I take it. This will be my first time wearing another person's clothes.

"Am...I don't wear these kind of pjs and this will be the first time I'm wearing someone else's clothes" I tell her truthfully.
"Well hun best friends wear best friends clothes and these are the type of pjs I wear." She states sticking out her tongue. I hit her with the pillow and the pillow war began.

After half an hour of playing we change and I must say that it's rather comfortable. It shows off my bare belly button and I use my hands to try and cover it.
"Damn girl you sexy af. Can I say the N word?" She asks and I glare at her she backs away.

"I'm just saying you have a killer body"she says complementing me again I blush hard then did my hair in a ponytail.

"What do you say we go for a late night snack?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows at me. I smirk and contemplated on whether to go or not.
Go....have fun for once out of the rule zone.
My subconscious instructs and I did as it says.

"Come on"I tell her and Bri leads the way. We tip toe into the hallway and down the stairs. Creak!!
I hear the creaking of the floor as I walk slowly, my heart skips a beat.
"Shhh" Bri shushes me and I nod. We make it downstairs into the enormous kitchen with brand dishes;refrigerators and others.

We walk over to the fridge and retrieve two juices then over to the cupboard and take out two chips. After that we tip toe back up stairs and Bri enters the room before me. Before I went in I look back out to see if we were clear and my eyes spot Brent who's walking from the opposite direction soak in water from head to toe.

He only has a towel wrapped around his waist that hangs very low. I gulp.
Snap out of it Phoebe remember what he did to you.
I look up at him and our eyes met I look at him for a short while then enter the room.
"What took you so long?" Bri asks sitting on the bed eating her chips.
"I just wanted to make sure that the coast was clear" I say clearing my throat in the process and she nods.

I sit on the bed beside her and she plays a romcom movie. Throughout the movie my mind kept thinking about Brent every two minutes. It's irritating. I look over at Bri who is fast asleep I cover her with a blanket that was folded neatly on the edge of her bed.

I take up the trash deciding to throw them in the bin downstairs. I quietly make my way out of the room and down the hallway. I make it to the kitchen safe and sound then discard the trash. I turn around about to go back upstairs when I hit a hard surface.

I look up rubbing my forehead. I'm stunned to see who it is. My breathing becomes unstable while my heart beats at a running cheetah's speed. I take a few deep breaths in and out to calm myself because he's awfully close. I back away but ended up backing into the counter.

"Red head" he says softly. I can feel my heart melting slowly.
No resist him.
I tell myself.
He takes another step towards me and I back into the counter even more holding my head down and scrunching my face. He's awfully close and I can smell his body scent and minty breath fanning my face going into my nostrils.

The same tingling feeling takes over my body making me feel like to hug him and feel his skin against mine once more.
"Can you dress my wounds?" He asks, I'm surprise by his question.
"W-what?" I ask.
"Treat my wounds...isn't that what friends each other" he says flatly....I feel sorry for him when I look at his bruised face and body.

What kind of fight was he in?

"Just put everything aside and help me and don't give me that look" he says smirking. That damn smirk makes me angry and happy at the same time. Wait.....Put things aside can he hear himself. I roll my eyes.

"Ok then but don't talk or try to touch me" I say sternly.
"I'll try" he says smirking. I glare at him and he goes silent. He gives me the first aid kit, with trembling hands that I have a hard time controlling take it and start to dress his wounds. He winces at the pain that he felt when I put some rubbing alcohol on it.

I ease up my hand and did the rest of the cuts that he got they weren't that deep though. I put bandaids on them and then put some ointment on his wounds on his abdomen and wrap them. Some of the wounds are pretty bad I cringe seeing his body like this. I'm finally finished and I pack the things I used away back into the kit properly.

"Thanks " he says and I nod handing him the kit he takes it as I'm walking away he yanks me in his arms. I look in his eyes that looks like they held hurt and all sorts of emotions just like mine. I try to get out of his grip but he's too strong.

"What did it say no tou-" I gasp when I felt his hot breath on my neck and his lips near my ear. I freeze completely.
"Phoebe" he whispers in my ear. I feel my short hairs standing up.
No get it together.
"I apologize for that at the station" he says raising his head and looking down at me into my eyes.

" Brent no I'm tired of hearing your excuses over and over again" I say blinking away my hurtful tears. He sighs and rests his forehead on mine. Why is he like this now? Angry and now calm. Spite of it all I miss the way his skin feels on mine it sends long lasting shivers down my spine. We are like this for a few seconds.

"You know the reason why I fought was because of you annoying me and someone else" he says chuckling raising my chin so that I can look at him.
"Why? Why should I believe you? You lied to me so many times so why should I believe you?" I ask making space between us.

"Because I'm miserable and going crazy without yo- my friend" he says looking away. Is he still drunk?
"Why should I believe you Brent,you hurt me over and over again and you'll keep doing it because you love taunting me" I say waiting for his response.
"That's not true"he says through gritted teeth.

"You don't understand how much I want to hug you; talk to you;  touch you" he says clenching his fist. I scoff.
"Well Brent; everyone has wounds not just physically but mentally also. You don't just go around hurting people because it leaves them with big wounds and deep cuts to fix" I say angrily.

"You Brent is the most....."
"Shut up!!" He shout whispers.
".....self centered monster I....."
"I said shut up" he says through gritted teeth.
"No.... I ha-" before I can finish I'm greeted by his lips that comes crashing onto mine. I miss his soft plump lips. I try my best not to kiss him back. I try wiggling free from his grip but it doesn't work.

"Phoebe" he mutters against my lips. If I give in now that would show that I'm weak. I want to kiss him but I hold the urge not to.
"Phoebe I-I never needed anyone like I need you now.... kiss me back" he pleads. I've never seen him so desperate before.

He moves from my lips and kisses the spot below my ear my feet felt weak all of sudden. He did that on purpose.
"S-stop" I whisper.
"Brent" I exclaim and he captures my lips once more. I gave in a little and he smirks I pull away.
"My apologies if I forced you or anything I lose it when I'm around you Phoebe just understand that" he says holding his head down.

"I'm g-going to bed" I say and turn to go he holds me back by the waist. My back against his chest this time and he kisses my head.
"Good night" he says and I nod. I quickly walk upstairs and lay next to Bri. 
What just happened?!!! Was it a new part of him that I just discovered?

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