Chapter 45

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Phoebe's POV

Last night with Brent was almost intimate and I can't believe myself for letting him touch me. He's the first person to ever go that close to my womanly area. I lost myself in him again, we can't seem to stay away from each other even if we try.
"Now go before I finger the fuck out of you"

His dirty harmonic words invades my mind,its the first time he has ever said or done that to me and I must stupidly admit that I loved it. My hormones were sky high and so was his for me.
And every other chicks.
She had to get in the way to make me feel insecure.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" I tell Bri who is half asleep, I smile at her peaceful face and search for my toiletry. No, no, no. This can't be happening,I track back to last night blushing as I go along and it hits me. I left it in his bathroom,panic fills me. I can't go face him not after last night because something always happens when we get touchy.

Suck it up Phoebe.
I take slow strides down the hall to his bathroom,when I'm finally there I knock on the door but no one answers. I place my ear against the door listening for the running of water but there was none. Relief washes over me as I open the door to find it empty.

I scan the room for my toiletry and spot it on the counter,butterflies make their way in my stomach as I walk over and retrieve it.
"Brent" I pant.
"Shhh it's the last time I'm going to be able touch you let me savor it" he whispers into my ear.

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes me jump,I look around only to see him in only a towel hanging too low on his waist. He leans onto the doorpost studying me then looks over at the counter,probably rethinking the night like I was.

"I just came for my toiletry" I say holding up the bag to him,he looks tired and dehydrated with dark circles underneath his eyes. Why does he have to drink and do himself like this everyday? My heart begins to ache.

"I'm gonna leave you to it" I say awkwardly,he nods and steps aside my eyes move to his perfectly defined body once more as I pass him. He smells of no other of course. I'm glad he didn't make any gruesome remarks about last night as I walk back to Bri's room.

I take a ten minutes shower and change into a pair of jeans and white t-shirt. I make my way downstairs with my little belongings meeting up with Bri who is actually making breakfast. I sit on one of the chairs at the island and watch as she watches cooking shows on YouTube.

"Oh my God!!" She screams dropping the fork she had in her hand when she spots me.
"Am I that hideous?" I ask with a smug smirk.
"Ha-ha" she rolls her eyes.
"What are you making?" I ask looking at the deformed thing in the frying pan.

"Pancakes" she says smiling. I nod as she puts one into a plate handing it to me. I fish for a fork in one of the drawers while telling her that I have to leave early because I have to and help dad. She agrees and says she wants to come along I agree and cut a piece of the pancake.

I shove it in my mouth nearly throwing it back up.
"So how is it?" She asks nervously. I take out a napkin and place it to my mouth.
"Hmmmm. Am you...yeah" I scratch the back of my neck.
"Is it that awful be honest" she warns pointing the fork at me.

"'s something alright" I admit she sigh.
"But there's always room for improvement don't give up" I say trying to cheer her up.

She gives me a small sad smile and puts both the fork and pan in the sink.
"What do you say if I give you practice?" I ask watching as her eyes light up.
"Heck yeah every Friday after school and you can sleep over" she cheers I don't want to burst her bubble so I nod. She's taking this way too far I mean here with him.

Promise Never to fall in-love with Me (Editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat