Chapter 31

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Phoebe's POV

"You have two more minutes young lady" my dad shout from downstairs.
"I'm coming" I yell back. I grab my strap bag and head downstairs.
"What took you so long?" He asks impatiently and I roll my eyes. That's just how he is at times.
"Let's just go it's almost seven" I tell him and walk through the door.

Brent's POV

"Brent come and help your sister set the dinner table" mom yells from the kitchen. Rolling my eyes in annoyance I stride to the dining room and stand at the doorway watching my sister place the forks and knives in the wrong places.
"Don't just stand there" she says scoffing and rolling her eyes with a frown on her face. I still stood my ground until she gave up in frustration. I walk over to the table and set it myself.
"How did you even do that and I can't?" She asks pouting. Her stupid question makes me wonder again;  how we are even related. Mom comes in with a bowl of fresh salad and a tong and place them on the table.
"Brent come help me with the rest please" she says and I follow her into the kitchen. She hands me the pasta while she carry the fried chicken.
"Put it in the center" she instructs and I follow.
"Thank you" she says and I leave the dining room. Let's just say I'm glad that Phoebe is coming over so that I can see her. We haven't been hanging out these past days and I regret it. If I was giving her more attention than spending time fucking Evan that damn prick wouldn't have.......
*Ding Dong*
The doorbell rings interrupting my thoughts. Fucking Great. I sigh in frustration and walk towards the door. I open the door showcasing a tall almost muscular man dress in a grey sweater and dark jeans looking to be around his late forties.
"Don't be rude invite our guests in" my mom says behind me. I step to the side and he enter with Phoebe following close behind. She looks ravishing as always in a yellow summer dress. Yellow is the most hideous coloring have ever seen but not on her.
"Thank you" mom says to the man as he hands her  flowers and some sort of pie. Shit; I don't care.
"Hey" mom and Phoebe say in unison engulfing in a hug.
"You must be Brent" the man utter stretching his hand forth for me to shake. I don't do these kind of foolish hand shakes because I don't know where the hell anyone's hands are coming from but I'll do it this once.
"Yeah and you?" I ask dryly.
"Dean; Phoebe's father" he replies letting go off my hand. Obviously.
"Hmm" I hum and turn to Phoebe who is now talking to Bri.

"Well dinner's this way" mom says pointing towards the dining room. Everyone starts walking off but I grab Phoebe's hand before she could go.
"You look......nice" I awkwardly compliment her tucking my hands in my jeans pocket.
"Thanks so do you" she accolade giggling and tug on my shirt. I really want to touch her badly but I have to forcefully stop myself.  We stand looking at each other in comforting silence until my fucked up sister interfered. Ugh. We walk off into the dining room and I take the seat directly in front of Phoebe. Her father sits beside her; Bri sits beside me and mom sits at the head chair.
"Well dig in" mom says motioning to the food. I couldn't help but let out a low chuckle when Phoebe licks her lips after spotting cinnamon rolls covered in chocolate that I told mom to make earlier on. I fill my plate with pasta and a piece of fried chicken. I skip the sauce because I just don't like any form of sauces. Everyone starts making small talk and try to include me but I find no interest in what they are saying.
"So Brent what are your plans for;you know; the future?" Dean asks. I knew that this damn query was gonna came. Why does it even freaking matter to him anyways. I can feel myself already getting pique. Everyone's eyes shot up to look at me. Just mother fucking great.
"Well I'm planning on going to college for two years three the most" I answer shrugging while playing with the pasta in my plate. I know that mom's smiling. I look up at Phoebe who's already looking at me with a broad smile. I give her a smirk and a wink in return and she looks down on her lap then to her father. I swear her innocence never ceases to amaze me.

"That's good;well all the best in college" he says and looks at his daughter who's busy giggling with Bri and mom. I love hearing that angelic laugh.
"Excuse me" Phoebe says getting up making the wooden chair rub against the wooden floor which when is combined makes a loud noise.
"Sorry" she apologizes and walk to where I suppose to is the bathroom. Mom gets up after along with Bri and starts to clear the table. They disappear into the kitchen and Dean looks at me with curious eyes. If it were any other person sitting here where I am they would've been intimidated from his stare but not me.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" He asks and I nod in reply. We got up and walk into the living room. I know what's next to come it happened before.
"You don't seem to be the least intimidated by me" he says cocking his eyebrow.
"Why should I?" I ask in a 'why the fuck would I' tone and he chuckles softly.
"You remind me of me when I was young. I was always angry at the world; I would date-well sleep with random girls get drunk and attend parties it was all a cycle. Until I met Phoebe's mom;she changed me  for the better even though I was very stubborn but she never gave up on me and now here I am from a rebellious teen to a brand new man" he says looking deep in thoughts.
"Why are you telling me this?" I ask not even half interested in what he's saying.
"You're very hard to faze even more than I was" he says giving me a small smile.
"All I'm saying is that I see how you look at my daughter and how she looks at you even though you might be friends. She is a very good and strong hearted girl now turning into a woman and I just don't want to see her hurt she has been through so much" he sigh.
"Look I can't keep promises if that's what you're implying for me to do but I don't want to hurt her deliberately she's a very good friend" I truthfully tell him and he nods.
"Ok"he replies and I can tell he has something more to say but won't say it. The noise of heels clicking against the floor drew my attention and I turn on my heel to face her.
"Is everything ok?" She asks putting a frown on her beautiful face. I would do anything to wipe it off right now.
"Yeah honey I was just on my way to ask the others if they want my help." Her father says and walk out leaving us alone. I step towards her and engulf her in a hug.
"What was that for?" She asks chuckling.
"Stop laughing or I'm not gonna be able to contain myself" I say to her in a serious tone and watch her face features change. I look down at her lips while my left hand wrap around her waist and my right hand linger on her stunning face. How can someone trust me with such beauty and not worry about me breaking her. I study her face closely while listening to her outrageous breathing and thumping heartbeat only I can do that. I love seeing what I do to her. I look into her green goddess orbs and watch as they change color. I know what she's feeling right now and so am I. I stroke her cheek with my thumb and bring her face closer to mine. Her mouth is just an inch away from mine and I feel her candy breath on my lips.
"Are you sure?" I whisper brushing my lips against hers. She lets out a heavy sigh and nods.
"Say it" I command teasing her.
"Y-ye-" I devour her before she could even finish answering. She takes a sharp intake of breath and her hands hook into my hair pulling me impossibly closer to her. My hand moves from her cheeks to her side caressing her body as she moan in my mouth under my touch. I want to feel her skin stupid dress. I curse in my head. Her hand slide underneath my shirt gently running her small soft hand along my chest then to my abs and stop right above  my trousers. Fuck.
"Dessert is ready" mom yells from the kitchen. Fuck fuck fuckk. We pull away panting and I take her hand in mine and walk to the dining room.

Phoebe's POV

He takes my hand in his and we walk to the dining room. I know that we shouldn't have done that but I couldn't help myself he's damn irresistible. After dessert we talk for a while until it was time of us to go.
"I had a wonderful time tonight" I say to Bri's mom and engulf her in a hug.
"I'm glad you did" she says sweetly smiling at me. I turn to Bri and give her a hug also.
"So any plans for tomorrow?" I ask smirking.
"You bet" she says wiggling her eyebrows.
"It was nice to have you  Mr.Carmel" she says politely to my dad.
"Thank you Brith I'm glad we came" he says smiling.
"And we would love to have you over for dinner sometime soon" dad says to Bri's mom.
"Sure" she says excitedly. I giggle at her excitement and look at Brent who gives me a small smile and my dad a nod. I reciprocated it and we part our ways.
"Drive safe" they shouted waving to us. By they I mean Bri and her mom. I really had fun time though and I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

Hey guys as you all know I changed my names for each chapter into chapters if that makes sense😂I'm planning on writing two books for this story and change the cover of this one. So book one is all about (how they met) in high school which consists of fifty chapters and for book two it's what happened (after they met) and this is in college where all the true and real drama unfolds. Please support me by voting and commenting thank you. I know this is long but hey you'll like it I guess. Lol byeee.

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