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"I'm still tryin' everything to get you to laugh at me"

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"I'm still tryin' everything to get you to laugh at me"

"And I've never be a natural, all I do is try, try, try"

- Mirrorball by Taylor swift



JJ COULDN'T HELP LETTING OUT A DEEP BREATH AS THE TWO REACHED LACEY'S MASION. The house was more like a whole neighborhood as the boy was shocked that any one family could live in such a large mansion. The doors were the size of a normal room and the windows as large as three of him put together .Even though he knew Lacey was a kook, for some reason he still couldn't imagine her living here, enjoying life on the privelaged side of the island.

JJ didn't know why he jumped on the chance to see the girl when she called. She didn't even have to explain why she wanted him to come over. He didn't even really know how she had his number. Or how he got cell service, the towers had been out on the cut for the last two days. Maybe it was because he was close to figure eight when he got the call, picking up a vape in the shop after all that stuff went down at the party. JJ didn't want to be at the chateau right now, Kiara and Pope had been scolding him for the last hour. It was annoying, all he was trying to do was save his best friend. He jumped when he got the call.

Standing outside the shop, when he answered. Lacey's voiced at been so soft. As though she wasn't sure if calling him was a goood idea. He couldn't believe it, on the walk to figure eight, the boy questioned if coming was the right idea. He knew there was a difference in feelings between the two. JJ not wanting to admit it. Not to himself. Not yet

Lacey had met him at the gate, which seemed to be normal for her. As she was stood still in the jumper JJ gave her from earlier. She looked tired, JJ made a metal note of that. He noticed she didn't look angry at him anymore, not like he would have minded. He'd still rather be here than the chateau.

"You came" Was the only words that left the girl's mouth when she saw JJ approach. He walked. She was thankful. She didn't like his bike, it seemed danger. And JJ was a dangerous drive. The girl looked at him, the boy from a distance sending her a peace sign. She smiled slightly. Of course Lacey never told JJ about the drug in her system, she didn't even know if he noticed. In the back of her mind she questioned if he did, if that's the reason he's been so silent on the walk to her house, watching her ever step like a hawk .She tried not to make any foolish mistakes like walking into her gate or tripping over her own feet to indicate that anything was wrong, but truthfully If JJ noticed, he made no sign to tell her anyways.

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