Game #1

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(Hinata pov)

"Alright everyone before we go in we need to cover some ground rules!" Daichi exclaimed standing up form his seat and clapping his hands

"First, don't pick fights with the other teams." He said glancing over at Tanaka. "Second stay with the team! We don't want anyone getting lost."

"Especially you Hinata." Suga said grabbing his and Daichi's gym bag.

'I don't get lost that often' I thought. It was only that one time when we were running and I took a wrong turn and ended up meeting Kenma or that other time in the mall when I took another wrong turn looking for the shoe store we were all gonna meet at. There was also that time at the training camp when we were gonna all meet at the hill but I ended up in the back of the building.

Kageyama hit my head with his bag and mumbled something about taking to long. So I grabbed my bag from the compartment and headed out.

Apparently I was taking awhile because when I got outside the bus everyone was already walking in. I ran as fast as I could to get to the door but when I opened it...I didn't see them.

"Nooooo.." I wined looking around.

All I saw were random families walking around getting tickets or using the restrooms. I'm never gonna see my team again! Plus, we've never been to this stadium. I don't want to die here! There gonna find my dead body hugging a volleyball in the bathroom! I need to find paper and a pencil to write my will and a good bye note.

I can give Daichi and Suga my volleyballs that I have at home. I'll give Kageyama are milk carton, and Nishinoya can probably fit into my clothes. Yamaguchi can have my hair brush and Tsukishima can have a joke book that I got for my birthday. Tanaka would probably like my lamp, it has volleyballs on it.

As I walk around in search for a piece of paper I notice people from other teams giving me weird looks. Then these two people from a team I didn't know walked up to me.

"Are you lost?" The first one asked. My face lit up but immediately went back down when the next one spoke.

"Does the little boy need help finding his mama." The second guy teased. They both started laughing and walked away.

That's when I noticed that the other teams weren't just giving me weird looks they were whispering and pointing at me.

(Iwaizumi pov)

Me and crappykawa were walking down the hall when we noticed other teams whispering to each other and pointing at someone. And that someone was Shoyo Hinata.

"He looks lost." I leaned in and told Oikawa.

"We should help him!" Oikawa exclaimed while smiling.

Does he actually want to help someone? Do something for someone else without any self benefits?

"Then I can brag to people about helping a rival team member!" He explains excitedly.

Nope! He's doing it for himself. I should have known.

Me and trashkawa walk up to Hinata, and Oikawa pokes him on the back. He quickly turns around and looks at us.

"Are you lost?" I ask him bluntly.

"Maybe..." He mumbles. I give him a stern look then he looks to the ground says yes.

"We'll bring you back to your team! And here where my jacket so you don't look so out of place with us." Oikawa chirps handing Hinata his jacket.

Hinata puts on the jacket and it covers up his Karasuno jersey.

"So do you know what court your teams playing on?" I ask him.

"No clue." He stats with a little nod of his head.

'This is going to take a long time.' I thought to myself. After that, Oikawa, me and Hinata headed out to find Karasuno.

(Hinata pov)

It was about fifteen minutes of walking around when I finally spotted them. They were all frantically talking to each other. They are probably wondering where I am.

"Guys! I found them!" I say to Iwaizumi and Oikawa

"Finally, I fell like my legs are about to fall off." The grand king dramatically says.

Once we get closer Suga saw us and glared at us. We all walked towards each other and stayed silent for a few seconds until Suga spoke up.

"Why is my son in your colors?" Suga asks looking at Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

"He was getting picked on by the other teams so Oikawa gave him his jacket until we found you." Iwaizumi calmly explained.

Suga just nodded his head and looked at me.

"What did I say to do?" He asked looking down at me.

"Stay together and don't get lost." I say quietly.

"And what did you do?"

"I didn't stay with you guys and got lost." I say again.

"Take off the jacket then come finish warm up with us." Suga commands and walks away.

I start to take of the jacket but Oikawa looks at me and says that I can keep it because he has others.

"Thanks grand king!" I yell as they walk away.

I put the jacket in my bag then head over to warm up with everyone else.


I'm gonna make every chapter a different game and a different team helping Hinata find his way back to Karasuno.

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