Game #4

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(Akaashi pov)

We Shiratowizawa. And Bokuto looks like he's about to do something. Oh no.

"At least we're winning the other game!" He screeches looking Ushijima right an the eye. This caught Ushijima's attention and he looked over.

"The game that every schools playing!" He says a little louder catching most of the Shiratowizawa players.

"What game?" One of there players asked. And to be honest I would like to know as well.

"The game where you find Hinata give him your teams jacket then bring him back to his team of course!"

What. It's not a game. We were helping out. Gosh.

"We will win." Ushijima declares as there team walks out of the court.

"Bokuto-san..." I sigh.

(Ushijima pov)

We all got off of the bus and were heading inside. I learned that Karasuno is playing here today which means we can score a point. I also tried to get more details on the game but my team didn't know anything. I suppose I'll just ask concrete boy when we find him.

We get inside and everyone starts warm ups, but I have a different plan.

"Come with me Goshiki, we have a point to score."

He grabbed the extra jacket we brought then we headed out. We first looked over at the bathrooms/water fountain but surprisingly he wasn't there. We looked everywhere but we couldn't find him. We decided to check the back of the building where no one goes and there he was.

"Your lost." I say bluntly as he turns and looks at me and Goshiki.

"What-no-!" He says embarrassed.

I look at Goshiki and motion for him to secure are point and give him a jacket. Goshiki takes the jacket from his backpack and hands it to concrete boy.

"OooOOo! A free Shiratowizawa jacket!" Concrete boy exclaimed putting the jacket on.

"Who else has scored points?" I ask him with a serious face.

"Eh?" He responded.

"Who else has given you a jacket?" I say.

"Oooh. Well Seijoh, Fukurodani, Nekoma and you!"

I just nodded my head and motioned for him to follow. 'Oikawa should have cone to Shiratowizawa'.

I took a little while ti get to the other side of the building. But we made it. And I don't think I wanna know how he got over there. One we dropped him off we got a lot if looks from there team but I ignored them and left.

(Hinata pov)

"Why. Why. Why? Was Ushijima bringing you back?" Suga asked with a 😳😔🤨 face.

"I don't know. He did say something about getting a point though!" I said.

"Oh my gosh.." Tsukishima sighed.

"What is it?" Daichi asked.

"Bokuto's instagram's about the 'Hinata games'. He even made it a hashtag." Tsukishima explains.

"The Hinata games?" I say surprised.

"Yeah apparently Seijoh, Fukurodani, Nekoma and Shiratowizawa are all tied at 1 point so far." Tsukishima said reading the post.

"Cool! I'm a game now!" I exclaimed pumping my fist in the air.


Sorry this one is short. Should I do a chapter explaining my idea for the 'Hinata games'? Cya y'all. 

                                           532 words

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