Training camp ~2~

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(Hinata pov)

Well...I'm a random school. I should have known that it was the camp kitchen and not the school kitchen. Plus no one is gonna go looking for me in here! No one would think that I'm this dumb. And this is one of the bigger schools, there's like 4 floors! I'm on the third or fourth floor.
Who puts there cafeteria on the last floor?

I've been trying to make my way to the stairs but it feels like I'm just going in circles. I could always jump out of the window and hope for the best. I go over to the nearest classroom and look at the window. I'm apparently in the backside of the school, and it's way to high to jump out.

Then I hear someone scream. I don't know what they said but it sounded like they were far away. What if it's a kidnapper, I have to get a weapon! There might be something useful in the science lab. Or if they have one if those clubs where people have like swords and they meditate. A janitor closet might have something to.

(Yaku pov)

Akashi, Suga and me entered the school and started screaming for Hinata. If we don't find him soon Suga said he's gonna file a missing person report. We were all pretty sure he went into the school to try and find there kitchen sense Karasuno's coach didn't specify which kitchen he needed to go to.

Suga was running around the school screaming for Hinata while me and Akashi tried to catch up.

"Where do you think he went?" Suga asked frantically.

"He's probably on the third floor because that's where the cafeteria is." Akashi said.

"But he might not have found the cafeteria yet and could be on any floor still looking for it." I commented.

"Well let's go to the third floor sense it's the only lead we have. It's not like we'll get anywhere by running around and screaming." Akashi stated.

Suga and I nodded are heads then headed over to the stairs. It's pretty dark in here even tho it's still light outside. I kinda wish someone brought a flash light. The stairs are the most away from the windows so there is no light. I feel like we could just scare Hinata to death.

"Anyone have a flashlight?" I ask.

"We can use my phone." Akashi says turning on the phone flashlight.

(Hinata pov)

So they did have one of those weird knife meditation clubs, and right next to it was the science lab! So I grabbed a sword the went to find some chalk or paint in the lab. I'm gonna put it on my face so I look cooler when fighting against the kidnapper!

I find some blue and orange chalk and draw some lines on my face the prepare for battle. Then I hear someone walking up the stairs.

There just turned the corner right where the science lab is, so I jumped out holding the sword straight out in front of me. Then we all screamed.

"Suga, Akashi, Yaku?!" I screamed jumping back a little.

"Hinata!" Suga exclaims looking at the sword in my hand.

"Why do you have a sword?" Yaku asked shaking his head.

"I thought you guys were kidnappers! And I needed to defend myself!" I say bluntly.

"What about the face paint?" Yaku questions again.

"I wanted to look cooler." I state.

"We need to put the sword back." Akashi says.

"Why?" I ask leaning forward a little.

"Cause it's not ours." He states taking the sword from my hand and throwing it in the room.

"We'll have to wash the face paint when we get back." Suga commented.

"What? No!" I protest. "Plus I'm bringing some back fir the rest of our team!"

"That is again...stealing." Akashi said putting a hand on his hip.

"But they have like 7 chalks of the same color! They won't notice a little missing." I say pointing to the box that had all the colors in them.

"..fine.." He sighed. "Let's go back to camp."


We get over to the gym after stopping to get the melted ice bag that I was supposed to already have.

"You guys are back!" Someone exclaimed.

"I brought face paint!" I say running over to a bleacher and putting the chalk  down.

"Cool!" Nishinoya screams running over and picking up the blue and orange chalk.

Bokuto runs over and grabs the yellow and gray chalk. The Kuroo drags Kenma over and they start to use the red and black. I feel a tap on my shoulder then turn around to an angered Takeda and Coach Ukai.

"" Takeda tries to say while coach just face palms.

"Just go run." Coach say pointing over to the court.

"Ok!" I exclaim then go over to run.


So there's this theory going around that Nishinoya and Hinata are brothers and I am invested in that. I might add it to this somehow or right another book about this.

                                      848 words

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