Training camp

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(Yamaguchi pov)

"A training camp?" Kageyama asked surprised.

"Yes, this training camp will mainly be with Fukurodani and Nekoma but other teams like Inarizaki, Johzenji, etc. will becoming some days as well." Takeda explained. "We'll be leaving on Saturday at 8 a.m. and coming back on Friday."

"Know get to practice!" Coach Ukai said throwing me the volleyball he had in his hand.

We all went off and worked on are serves the we dispersed into different groups to practice. Me and Tsuki went off together cause' apparently I'm one of the only people he can tolerate.

"BOKE HINATA BOKE!" Screeched Kageyama.

Tsuki grumbled a little bit then went back to what we were doing. I was pretty excited to go to this training camp. Though I'm kinda nervous as what if people don't like me. And if they don't like me but like Tsuki then they would try to take him away from me...

"Practice is over!" Tsuki yelled at me. I guess I zoned out for a little bit.

(Hinata pov)

It's Saturday at 7:30 and I'm currently biking down the mountain, like, super fast. It should be fine..I just don't want to be late!

That's what I thought before I ran over the rock at the bottom of the hill.

"Guys I'm fine!" I state trying to reassure the third years.

Suga was running around frantically trying to find a med kit, while Daichi was trying to calm him down. And Asahi was surprisingly calm while getting an ice pack ready.

"Oh, what did you do?" Coach Ukai sighed as he and Takeda got out of his truck.

"Sooooo," I started off. "I was riding down the hill on my bile, like I do everyday, but there was an unknown source blocking my path at the end if the hill." I explained trying to sound cool. "Then I fell."

"It was a rock." Daichi stated bringing over a cup of water and handing it to me.

"Why am I not surprised." I heard Tsukishima walking over to us with Yamaguchi next to him.

A couple of minutes later everyone was here and we were heading onto the bus. Suga found the first aid kit and gave me some bandaids while Asahi handed me an ice pack. Kageyama helped me over to the seat then we were off.


"KAGEYAMA PUT ME DOWN!" I screeched as he picked me up and was taking me outside the bus.

"No! It'll take to long for you to walk! Plus you'll get lost!" He argued back.

We all put our stuff away then headed over to the gym to start practicing with the other schools. Today it was only us, Nekoma and Fukurodani.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto screamed as we walked in.

"Hi, Shoyo. How are you doing?" Kenma asks walking up to me as Kageyama sat me down on a bleacher.

"I'm gooooooood!" I said holding the O.

"What happened?" He asked looking down at me knee and the bandages I have on my arm.

"I was biking down the hill and tripped over a rock..." I mumbled.

"You did what!" Lev laughed walking over to me.

"Hey! It's not funny! It hurt!" I whined causing him to laugh more.

"Hinata your wearing the wrong jacket." Bokuto exclaims walking over.

I'm wearing my karasuno jacket..

"Eh?" I asked with a confused look.

"Your joining are team! Akashi even agreed!" Bokuto says happily.

"We have agreed to adopt you." Akashi states walking over to me.

"You are not taking him!" Suga said in a demonic voice while squeezing me.


It was the next day and we were all heading over to the gym to start are first day of training.

"Are you sure your alright to practice?" Coach Ukai asked me as we were about to go in the gym.

"I'm fine!" I stated with a little nod of my head.

"If your sure...but you will still need to take breaks to ice it." He said opening the door to the gym.


~A couple hours later~

"Kiyoko and Yachi have an ice pack ready for you in the kitchen. Can you get there without getting lost?" Takeda asked me.

"Of course I can!" I confirmed walking out the door.

Now, just need to find where the kitchen is! I wonder if the kitchen means the school cafeteria or the actual kitchen in the building that we're staying in. I'll try the school kitchen first sense it's closer.

I run over to the school and open the front doors which are actually heaver then I expected. I ran around the school for awhile then finally found their cafeteria. When I opened  the one was there. And I have no idea how to get out.


Sorry it took so long to upload this, we got a lot of work this week. I'm planning on making the training camp 5 or more parts.

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