9. Sunday Week Three (pt2.)

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The layout of Rei's house that I made, took me so longggg. But I needed to see it clearly in my head. ^

9. Sunday Week Three (pt2.)

Anticipation about training made my shift fly by and when Eli sauntered up to the counter at half twelve wearing plain black jeans, a plain black t-shirt and combat boots, I couldn't keep the smile off my face and from the looks of it, Eli appeared to be in a good mood also as he gave me a kinda smile back.

I waved goodbye to my co-workers and gave Sarah, who was working the next shift my apron, "careful of table 14, he's a little handsy." She gave me a grateful smile and a questioning look, presumably about Eli, but I ignored it; the best way to deal with things.

When I turned to face Eli he was frowning at me, okay so I guess the good mood wasn't going to last, "already? Okay, so what's up with you now?"

He grunted at me and we began walking out the diner, "what did you mean by 'handsy'?"

"What do you think I meant? It's not a complicated word Eli," I nudged him with my shoulder and gave him a small smile but he didn't seem to notice my teasing as he held the door open for me.

"Funny," he grunted in reply. I rolled my eyes as I settled on the conclusion that the Eli that had come to pick me up was in fact, drumroll, please...Grumpy Eli!!!

See in the two weeks I had known Eli I had learnt that he had four different versions of himself, we had:

Grumpy Eli - who only communicated in grunts and groans.

Angry Eli - who only communicated in roars and yells.

Fighter Eli - who only communicated with facial expressions and swear words.

And Cheeky/Cocky Eli - who made an appearance this morning and communicated normally...or as normally as Eli could manage.

He held open the door to his Black Dodge Challenger SR8 and motioned impatiently with his hand for me to get in; Eli was an odd mix of chivalrous and rude. Gently, he shut the door before jogging around the car to get into the driver's seat.

"Um, is it okay if we stop by my house on the way, I need to change." I motioned down my body with my hands and Eli's eyes tracked the movement, scanning me up and down, but unlike the perv at table 14; I didn't mind Eli's look.

"Yeah," then he mumbled under his breath, "that's definitely too distracting." Huh?

"Um, what?" okay, confusion.

"Nothing tigru," he started the car and pulled out of the car park.

"Do you know where I live?" His answer could possibly identify him as a creep.

"You live near Noah Baker right?" Phew, he was stalking Noah not me.

"His old house, actually." Noah had moved to a much more lavish neighbourhood but we had met when his parents were neighbours with my Nan and Nana used to babysit for them.

I looked over at him and noticed that he looked really good behind the wheel of his car. He had his right hand on the top of the steering wheel and his left elbow was resting on the windowpane; gorgeous bloody specimen.

He nodded, "then yeah, I know where you live."

"How do you know where Noah used to live? I didn't realise you two were friends."

"We aren't, he's had a few parties at his house and I've heard him talk about how much he loved it there." Ah, of course, Noah's infamous parties. His parents went away a lot so Noah held some of the best parties our high school had ever seen, I'd been to a few of them but since last year, house parties weren't really my scene.

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