17. Wednesday Lunch Week Six

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17. Wednesday Week Six

"I feel like I haven't spoken to you in ages Tor."

She gave a small shrug and peered over at me through her glasses, "yeah, I guess we've both been kinda busy."

I bumped my shoulder with hers and wiggled my eyebrows when she looked over at me, "oo, boy busy?"

She just blushed and shook her head with a smile before pushing open the doors to the cafeteria. A small chuckle was released from my lips at her response but it soon died out as I stopped in my tracks at the sight of who was sat at our little table.

"What?" Tori questioned me.

"Uh-I-um, I've got some work to do. I'm gonna go to the library," I stuttered as my gaze was glued to the sight of Eli's back at the table. Ever since our little moment on Saturday, I had been avoiding him like the plague. A hangover was my excuse for not training with him on Sunday and last night I was super lucky that he wasn't home.

Tori was just about to nod at me, giving me the perfect chance to escape, when Kyle came through the doors of the cafeteria and stopped right by us.

"What are we looking at?" He questioned with his head between mine and Tori's shoulders.

Tori jumped at his voice by her ear causing him to let out a laugh which drew the attention of our friends. Oh shit.

Eli caught my gaze over his shoulder and he raised his brow at me, if I left now he would know I was avoiding him if he hadn't already guessed and judging by his intense stare and the look on his face; he had guessed.

Here goes nothing. I took a deep breath and trailed after Tori and Kyle as they walked towards our table, clutching my art book to my chest like it was a lifeline. When I reached the table, because the world hated me, I realised the only seat that was available, was directly next to Eli.

Cautiously, I perched myself on the seat, still clutching my book for dear life.

"Avoiding me, tigru?" He breathed into my ear, dear god he smelt good.

"Pfft, why would you say that?" I cringed internally at how shaky my voice sounded as I placed my artbook down on the table.

"I don't know. You tell me."

His gaze burned holes in the side of my head as I blatantly ignored him and pulled out my Nutella sandwich. Sitting this close to Eli with all these thoughts running through my head was not good for my health. I did not want to like this guy and yet the more time I spent around him, the more I found myself enjoying, and even looking forward to, his company.

Feeling calmer after he leant back in his chair, away from me, I relaxed into my seat and began eating my sandwich. My relaxation was halted, however, when Eli casually draped his arm across the back of my chair. All of our friends' eyes flickered towards us at the action but none of them said anything about it, thank god.

Any last hopes of a relaxed lunch were thrown out the window when, out of nowhere, Lana straightened in her seat, her back going stiff as she glared at something over my shoulder. Jasper, noticing the change in her, followed her line of sight behind me and he too, straightened in his seat. I noticed his fists clenching on top of the table and went to turn around but a shout of my name stopped me.

"Rei!" Kins yelled out looking flustered, her eyes flickering everywhere and she couldn't stop fidgeting. My eyes narrowed at her as I noticed her gaze fluttering behind me every few seconds. I was about to call her out on her weird behaviour and turn to investigate myself but a deep voice that caused many of my restless nights stopped me.

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