14. Friday Night Week Five (the fight.)

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No knee-highs in this outfit but I absolutely LOVEEEE it.

14. Friday Night Week Five (the fight.)

I'm not going to lie, we had done an amazing job.

The house was covered in fairy lights and photos of Tori hung from strings which laced across the ceiling. I might have used One Direction's 'Story of my Life' music video for inspiration. By inspiration I mean we straight up copied it.

But, in my defence, the place looked amazing. There was a small room to the left of the main entryway which was empty of furniture, we had covered the walls in white paper so people could write nice messages to Tori. We had all accepted, some of us reluctantly *cough* Lana *cough*, that there were bound to be a few stupid ones as people got drunk but we still decided it was a nice idea. We had hired a professional DJ and a proper bartender and bar — someone willing to serve underage of course. The pool out back was full of balloons and floats and we had covered the house in streamers and personalised banners. All the doors that needed to be locked were locked, and we had hidden away all the precious furniture and ornaments; we were ready.

It was now 9:15 and we were all patiently waiting for Arik to arrive with Tori as he had volunteered to pick her up. Everyone was hidden, there were only around 30 of us right now. Our whole group, even Eli who had decided we would just leave from here, and around 20 other people who Tori considered actual friends. Everyone else was set to arrive later so that we had a chance to celebrate with Tori just us first.

"They're coming," Kyle announced as he got a text from Arik.

"I see the car, they'll be here in a sec, everyone hide," Kins added

"I just told everyone that," Kyle responded through gritted teeth at the same time Lana exclaimed, "we're already hiding Kinsey!"

"Shhh." Noah

Everyone was silent as we anxiously waited for the door to open. With a quick glance at Eli, I noticed he was stood casually in the kitchen doorframe, not even attempting to hide. I motioned to the floor and gave him a stern look. He raised his eyebrow and shook his head. 'Now' I mouthed to him with a glare and pointed at the bar which was in front of the kitchen door. He rolled his eyes but still crouched down and hid behind the bar. It was actually a comical sight, Elias Ryker, the 6ft 4' boxer crouched behind a bar, he looked very uncomfortable — I couldn't help but let out a giggle.

"Shhh." Noah did it again.

"Fuck off Noah."

"Bite me Rei." I rolled my eyes at him.

We heard the door-handle jiggle and the sound of Arik talking and Tori laughing before the door was thrown open. Jasper flicked the lights on and everyone jumped up; except Eli, who took his damn time.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted at once which in turn made Tori jump.

Shock graced her face and then tears sprang into her eyes, aww, and she turned into Arik's chest. He wrapped his arms around her as she cried for a bit before she slowly turned back to face us, Arik's arm still around her waist, "I can't believe you guys did this."

Lana stepped forward holding a 'Birthday Girl' sash, "of course we did, chica. It's your birthday and we love you." She put the sash on Tori who proceeded to pull her into a hug. I'm pretty sure I heard a mumbled 'thank you' — well that's not okay.

"Hold the fuck on," I marched over and put my arms around the girls, "recognition for me too please."

"Yeah, and us." Kins added before dragging Kie over to our hug.

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