47. Thursday Week Twenty (the relief.)

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47. Thursday Week Twenty (the relief.)

"NOW!" Dante yelled as smoke filled the room.

"Go, Reillyn," Eli shouted, shoving me into the arms of Cayden.

Cayden reached down to grip my hand before tugging me in the direction of the door. My eyes flickered behind me and I saw Dante lunge for my Nan. Men in black suits filtered into the room, guns in hand. Bright lights started flashing and the bangs that accompanied told me they were gunshots.

Frantically I scanned with my eyes, pulling Cayden to a stop, "where is he?" I muttered.

"Rei, what the fuck?" Cayd yelled over the shouts and bangs, "we have to go, it's not safe."

"Where is he, Cayden? Where did he go?"

I spotted Dante taking my Nan out of a door in the back and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw him hand her off to Raven who was waiting at the door.

"Rei, we have to leave," Cayd shouted at me, "Eli will be fine, he knows what he's doing and he would kick my ass if he knew I hadn't gotten you out of here yet so let's go!"

"I'm not going without him, Cayd!" I yelled back.

"Fucks sake."

Cayden moved behind me before wrapping his arms behind me, effectively pinning my arms to my side before he began carrying me out of the war zone that was the club.

As he dragged me away, I caught sight of Max fighting Vincent then just behind him, Eli was coming to blows with Marcus and I instantly began thrashing in Cayd's hold as I tried to get to him.

"No!" I yelled, "get the fuck off me, Cayden."

Cold air gust around me and a door slammed closed, blocking my view of the events. Cayden released me before moving to stand in front of me instead, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Look at me, Reillyn," he demanded.

"Fuck you, Cayd, get out of my way. Eli needs help."

He shook me, "stubborn woman!" He screamed, "I know that, but you can't go back in there, you will die. So shut the hell up, stay here and let me go back and help him. Okay?"

Appeasing him, I nodded. He let go before turning on his heel and sprinting back into the club.

Of course, the second he was out of sight, I began walking back towards the club but a soft hand on my shoulder stopped me.

I span to see the warm eyes of my Nan, "oh god," I breathed, tugging her into my arms. I felt so safe with her holding me, my tears began streaming and I cried into her shoulder as immense relief washed over me.

"Oh thank god you're okay," I pulled back before perusing my eyes over her, "are you hurt? You're all good, right?"

She nodded quickly, scanning me with her eyes also. She had tears on her cheeks as she cupped mine affectionately, "you can't go back in there, Reillyn. Okay? You're safe, he got you safe, now you have to let him finish this, monkey."

"I can't, Nana," I sobbed, "I can't just wait out here whilst he's in there."

A soft smile adorned her face, "I know that but you have to be strong and you have to trust him, okay honey?"

"Okay," I breathed nodding quickly before hugging her tight again.

However, I pulled away from the hug when I heard the club doors slam open. My eyes immediately began scanning the men who stumbled out of the foggy club. Some were injured but most were fine.

"Fuck," I whispered under my breathe, "where is he?"

I noticed Max come out, he nodded briefly at me before climbing into a car with Raven and my Nan.

Next out was another suited man who was holding up an injured Dante. Dante was clutching his side and his face was screwed up tightly as if he was in pain.

Rushing over I grabbed Dante's other side, careless of how his blood seeped onto my dress, "it's going to be okay, Dante," I told him, but my eyes kept flickering over my shoulder to see if Eli had come out yet.

We put Dante into the back seat of a car with a few other injured men. The second the door was closed, I span back around to stare at the door.

My hands raised to run through my hair in frustration and I bit my lip in anxiety. So many men were filtering out of the club, but not one of them was mine.

And then, together as if out of some stupid action movie, the doors were pushed open by Cayd and Eli.

"Oh god," I breathed out relieved before I sprinted over to them.

Eli's eyes were scanning over the crowd gathered outside the club but his shoulders sagged in relief and his arms opened wide as he spotted me running towards him.

Launching myself at him, I coiled my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He was forced to stumble backwards due to the force of me barreling into him. In sync, we both burrowed our faces into the neck of the other and I tightened my hold around him.

His hands landed on my bum and he tugged me even closer, before abruptly pulling away, "are you hurt? why is there blood on your dress?"

I shook my head, "it's not mine, are you?" I cupped his cheeks and ran my eyes over him.

Just like I had, he shook his head before frowning at me, "you're trembling, tigru," he raised a hand to push my hair behind my ear.

"I was terrified, Eli, you took your damn time coming out of there."

"I had to make sure Mikael was dealt with, Cristiano is in there now."

"Dante's brother? What's happening? What happened to Mikael? And Marcus, I saw you fighting him? Do you know that Dante got shot?" I motioned to my dress, "this is his blood, Eli."

Eli cupped my neck and pushed my head back onto his shoulder before running his hand through my hair, "calm down, tigru, we can talk about all of this later. Let's just get you home first, okay?"

I nodded before mumbling an 'okay' which was muffled into his shoulder.

"Um, hello?!" Cayden screeched from beside Eli, "I'm perfectly fucking fine, thanks for asking!?"

His sarcasm made me roll my eyes and I looked over at him, "are you okay, Cayden?"

He pouted at me, "no, someone punched my face. Why do they have to go for the face?"

I chuckled before clinging back onto Eli and letting him carry me to the car, knowing everything was going to be fine.

Okay so this isn't a quote but I thought it applied to this chapter:

"Cingulomania - the strong desire to hold a person in your arms"

YAY! That's chapter 47 finished! Just three more to go, people!! The book will be finished by the end of the week!!!!

How mad is that?!

Thank you for reading, lovely people!

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