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Dedicated to the ones who didn't say goodbye,

the sight of you was breath taking
now I want to see you not breathing
you leaving me unknowning is unbearing
ghosting me was fucking heartbreaking

why enter my not so peacefully unstable life?
it had its entrances but had no exits
so you broke down the walls i've spent countless days i've been rebuilding, repairing

screw you

you dare tear down those tall, thick and i thought that were unbreakable- walls
gained access and entrance easily at first and lost it the minute you dare to disrupt the peace

all those chats, calls, texts
after all those pointless conversations
deep talks during the late nights
wasted- wasted on a ghosting jerk like you

messing with people's feelings- hearts
more like being a horny and selfish bitch
you're one deserving to be an island
you're one that I won't be able to stand


a.n. thank you for reading, message/comment for a dedication.☁︎

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