hey, just a reminder during quar

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a.n. [much better to read if it's real time during pandemic] this won't be poetic, it's just a message. A simple reminder for us stuck in quarantine. Stay safe at home, all the love.

Dedicated to people who are stuck at home,

Hey, how are you?
I know how boring it is to stay at home. I know the burden of plainly waking up day by day.

Wake up just to eat,
drink water, binge on netflix,
watch some anime or series to keep yourselves awake and just to also sleep then repeat.

Everyday becomes a darn cycle
but let us not let it, be it.

Find ways to make everyday eventful as if we are going out in these tough times, as if we are spending our lives to the max.

We're in a pandemic-
a pandemic where-in rallies,

racial injustice, discrimination
and government corruption
is spreading much worse
that the pandemic itself.

Be woke, not pa-woke.
Speak up, never be silenced.
See the reality, the cruelty.
Feed our minds with the truth.

If in of age, join peaceful rallies. Donate. Sign Petitions. Use your platforms. Never shut your mouth that says the truth, the harsh reality.

As for us teens, let's use our advances in social media to socialize and learn new things we may have never thought of trying and doing.

Let's do something for the people around us, and also for ourselves.


a.n. SPEAK UP. DONATE. SIGN THE PETITIONS. Thank you for reading, requests are still open. Al the love. ☁︎


#blacklivesmatter -


#junkterrorbill -




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