Life Matters

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A.N. this is the edited version the next part will be the unedited one. This is typed to give awareness on what's occurring in our society right now.

Dedicated to the mocking superior race,

They may be black and you are privileged white. Their skin may be darker and yours may be lighter, but nothing changes the fact that you're being racist when you discriminate another.

In the eyes of your xenophobic race you may be all mighty and high, but nothing beats the scream of the publics' eye.

Some were just suspected but they were ruthlessly murdered.

In the history of blacks they have been slaves, they are treated poorly up to these days and there was this kid that was electrocuted, that was his last day.

A kid was playing with a toy gun but he got shot down with a real one, another one was bullied because he's skin wasn't light, now the stigma is planted in each and everyone's mind.

A female is discriminated not only by the way she dresses but also because of her dark skin.

A man loves another man, nothing is wrong with that. Stop being homophobic, stop being such an uncultured swine.

A man was shot during broad daylight when he went out for a run, another was choked on the pavement under the bright sun.

Humanity and empathy, where have you been? These monsters are being rascist again.

The children in school fear because it isn't fair, for them to be treated differently there. Their cries are unbearable, why do you dare?

Amidst the pandemic racism occurs not just by color but also by face? One that has narrowed eyes doesn't mean s/he is Chinese that carries COVID 19, stop being insensitive.

Discomfort due to the difference in race should be there.

Never support racism, stop prejudice and discrimination, speak up and never be silenced for one's voice will always be acknowledged.

Listen to screams of the public, some have been acting highly superior these past few days. Black lives matter as much as all lives matter, but turning a blind eye to what's happening is inconsiderate.

Hey racist, keep this in mind, we don't tolerate such ways- you uncultured swine.


a.n. I urge other authors to spread the words BLACK LIVES MATTER. May justice be served for all victims of racial discrimination.☁︎

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