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Cold, lifeless, and dead on the ground Angie lay there inanimate...someone that was once in motion. Smiling and laughing and even talking about Auta nonstop. Even though this is a murder and was eventually going to happen...I'm still surprised it actually is happening now. The hopelessness came into my senses knowing I talked to Angie just last night...and now she is dead here on the floor. Dead because someone killed her in an act of true despair...I could hear all of the others gasp while some cried. The fear and hopelessness coating their voices like the blood staining the floor. My senses all blurred as it all went darker like my eyes were closed, even though I knew they were wide open. I didn't even felt like I was really there...are any of us really here? In this sick fucking twisted game that just wants us to kill each other without any again...because in the end they are going to be found out. I didn't even see Monokuma come into the room to give Shuichi the monokuma file. I felt his hand tap me on the shoulder as my senses came back to me.

"Kokichi are you alright?" He asked turning my body so I was facing him. His hands on both of my shoulders as I took a moment to look him in the eyes. His eyes told me that even though he was calm he was worried...scared out of his mind. I grabbed his hands with a smile.

"Yeah! I'm ok knowing you are here with me my beloved~," I teased, poking his cheek before nuzzling my face into his arm while my arms snaked around to hug his arm. He was distracted, so I took the opportunity to survey the room.

There were the wax effigies that she was working on, I mean I briefly saw them for a second when I came to her lab last night...but I wasn't sure what they were so I didn't mention this fact to anyone. They were hanging from the ceiling while the one of Kaede had the golden katana from Korekiyo's lab pierced through her stomach...I know that's going to be hard for Shuichi to look at...he care about Kaede a lot, and even though I was always super jealous of this fact, I was glad my beloved made a friend- well I mean up until she passed on.

Angie was laying down in the middle of the room with blood coming from her neck, I mean it said she had two injuries in the monokuma file. I pulled out my handbook to briefly look at the evidence again. I was right...one on the back of her head and another on the back of her neck. One from a blunt object, and the other, a stab wound to the neck...I shook my head for a moment before Shuichi recovered from my teasing earlier.

"Well, I should go and investigate-" He got cut off by Korekiyo who was getting everyone's attention. What the hell does he want? Doesn't he know we don't have forever until the trial...we are running on a clock here after all.

"Let's talk to Angie's spirit to find out who the killer is," He said in his normal creepy toned voice. I shivered a bit while still clinging to Shuichi.

"But shouldn't we investigate?" Shuichi asked, looking over at him. Korekiyo looked back at him with a blank stare before his eyes closed as if he was smiling behind his mask.

"Yes, but I think it would be helpful to maybe talk to the spirit of the deceased. The seance only takes 5 people, so Shuichi, Kokichi, Miu, Himiko, would you come with me." He said solemnly.

"Oh, I see-" Shuichi started only to be cut off by Maki and Kaito. I looked over to the two of them and had to try my best not to laugh.

"S-spirit?!" Kaito yelled holding onto Maki who had a blush on her cheeks. I fucking knew it~ Maki loves~ Kaito! I mean I would question her decision about having feelings for a dumbass...but feelings for another person aren't something you can control.

"W-what the hell?!" Maki yelled before adding, "Do you want to die?" She asked with a dark glare to Kaito. He jumped back and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Sorry about that Maki Roll! I'm just not feeling good!" He said before leaving the lab. I sighed to myself the same as Maki. I looked over to her and we shared a knowing look, as if we were agreeing that Kaito is such a dumbass...which is something I am totally ok to agree to! Sure Kaito isn't as bad as I thought he was, but that doesn't mean I like him.

"Dumbass..." Maki groaned before moving to face me and Shuichi.

"I'll investigate while the both of you help Korekiyo with the seance." Maki said before turning around to look around the room for clues and evidence. I smiled before looking up at Shuichi. He gave me a nod before the both of us went out to look for Korekiyo.

"Ah, you both came, that's good," He said with a pause.

"Himiko has already chosen a room for us to do the seance in, so please come with me into this room, we still have some preparations before we can start," He said before disappearing into one of the three rooms.

"What do you think this is all about?" I asked Shuichi.

"Well, knowing Kiyo's Ultimate Talent...he must know what he is doing. And I'm sure talking to Angie will help us to uncover the mystery of this murder." He said taking my hand in his own. I smiled to myself. It's going to be ok because I have Shuichi by my side. I'm a little nervous about the seance...but at least I get to do it with my beloved Shuichi~.

"Yeah, you are right about that!" I exclaimed before we came into the room. He had a cage, a statue, and a sheet with him. The floor had a salt drawing on the floor. I found this whole thing weird...but I mean if we can get to Angie maybe she can tell us who did this to her.

"I need one of you to be the caged child who will be the vessel to talk to Angie and be able to help us communicate with her," He said before Miu pranced over with a dumb grin on her face.

"I'll do it!" She said, overly confident. Korekiyo looked nervous...but he let her be the one in the cage without discussing more on the subject.

"Ok, you need to kneel down in the middle of the circle make sure you are careful of the salt though," He warned before Miu laughed and did as she was told.

"Now, we cover the cage with this sheet and place the dog statue over it," He said looking over at me and Shuichi. I'm assuming that's because we need to carry it...I sighed and moved over to it with Shuichi.

"I don't want to carry this..." I whispered while Shuichi gently pat my shoulder with his hand. I gave him a small playful glare before he gave me a quick kiss.

"What was that Shumai~?" I asked with a teasing tone as I put my hand to my lips. He blushed, but before he could answer Korekiyo came over to us.

"Make sure to hold your side and be careful of the salt," He warned just as he had done with Miu. I lifted the dog statue with Shuichi and Kiyo and I immediately felt like my arms were going to give out, even before we started walking.

"Holy crap this weighs a ton!" I exclaimed with rasped breaths. I felt Shuichi laugh a bit breathless which made me smile before I remembered my arms were getting killed from carrying all this weight...will the statue break the cage and kill Miu? Or maybe even the floor? Best not to worry about that...I felt worry seep into my mind before we set the dog statue down on the cage.

-I feel so tired and exhausted...but here I am getting writing done so I will be able to have a highlight of my day! I have homework all morning tomorrow...so that's going to be so fun~ Anyway! Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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