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"No," Calix said gruffly as soon as he and Kegan were in their room. "I'm not negotiating this."

Kegan growled at him. "You told me when I got here that no Alpha would ever control me again!"

"No Alpha is controlling you," Calix said irritably, sitting down on the bed as Kegan stood in front of the bed.

Kegan's arms were crossed tightly across his chest, eyes narrowed in anger. He knew that Calix was worried about him, especially since Leon had malicious intents, but Kegan knew he could protect his pack.

"You're controlling me!" Kegan snarled, climbing on the bed and standing above Calix.

Calix raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to intimidate me?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

"Stop trying to distract me! That plan is the only way to protect our pack! Why can't you just stop being stubborn and let me do this?"

Calix sighed and rested against the pillows. "He wants to hurt you, Kegan. Not only does he want to hurt you, but he has some evil plan and I don't trust that prisoner enough to protect you," he said, looking up at his mate sadly. "I know you want to protect our pack, but he will hurt you and I do not want that to happen. Especially with your heat coming up. You go into preheat in what, two weeks?"

"So what?" Kegan hissed, flopping down on the bed and glaring. "I want to! I want to know his plan and I can protect myself!"

"You'd be going back as a hostage? You really think Leon's going to buy it if you're fighting back and defending yourself against him?" Calix asked, trying to stay calm despite Zakai's desire to pin down his mate and not let him put himself in danger. "Please don't keep pushing this. The answer is no."

"Your answer is no," Kegan growled but he didn't say anything else to his mate, instead turning to his wolf. "If he isn't going to let us go, we'll do it ourselves."

Jade shuddered. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Kegan," he said helplessly, knowing that Kegan would do what he wanted whether or not Jade gave him permission.

"I'm tired of putting our pack in danger. If Leon has some master plan that will end up with our pack being put in danger, we need to know so we can stop it," Kegan argued, ignoring Jade's whimpering. "Are you going to sell me out to Zakai?"

"No... I just don't think it's a good plan. I don't trust Luke," Jade said quietly, as if his desire was to disconnect himself from the conversation. "If this plan is to work, we have to do it soon, and I don't want to go to the North River pack without being marked."

"We won't be in there long," Kegan promised, pleading with Jade. "Tonight we'll go find Tan and Luke and start their plan."

"You want to go behind Calix's back?!" Jade asked in shock.

"It's the only way to protect our pack."

"But Calix said-"

"Will you stop being so submissive for five minutes and realize that we will he captured either way if Leon's plan is really as dangerous as he says it is?!"

Jade whimpered and backed off. "Fine," he whispered sadly. "Please just promise me you'll do whatever you can to keep Leon from touching us. I don't want him taking us from our mate again."

"I promise," Kegan to Jade before glancing up to see Calix looking at him.

"You okay, babe?" he asked, reaching out his arms to Kegan and embracing his mate. "What's in your mind?"

"Nothing," Kegan mumbled, smiling softly at his mate and climbing on him to press their lips together. "You're right. I don't want to be used by Leon again. I'm sorry."

Calix kissed him back, but he didn't fall for Kegan's words. He knew his mate was amazing and sweet, but he was also smart.

"Did Jade say anything to you?" Calix asked Zakai as Kegan kissed him once again, running his tongue along Calix's bottom lip. "I want to know what he's thinking."

"Jade hasn't said anything," Zakai responded, though he didn't sound happy. "I'd wager that Kegan asked him to keep quiet. Our mate is adorable but he's smart too... we're going to need to keep an eye on him."

"I agree," Calix said to Zakai before focusing his full attention on his mate. "You really are okay with not joining the prisoner's plan? You were all for it a minute ago."

Kegan hummed and rested his nose in the crook of Calix's neck. "It's fine. I was just mad and didn't want to listen," he murmured, licking the spot where he'd someday mark Calix, moving his lips across the spot and trying to pull Calix's mind away from the conversation.

Calix groaned at the feeling of Kegan moving his lips along the sensitive spot on his neck, tilting his head back to allow more access.

"Can't wait to mark you," Kegan whispered, nuzzling Calix's cheek. "I get to mark you still, right?"

Calix nodded, pulling on Kegan's hair so he could return the gentle touches and pleasure that he'd received when Kegan kissed along his neck.

"It'd be an honor to wear your mark," Calix whispered, nibbling on the flesh of Kegan's neck. "Just a couple more weeks."

Kegan grinned at that, hoping he'd be back from his secret infiltration in time to spend his heat with his mate. The last thing he wanted was to play along with the plan and then end up trapped in another pack away from Calix when the heat hit.

"Especially if Leon is around," Jade said bitterly, not completely on board with Kegan's unwillingness to listen to their mate, even if he understood the reason. "You'd better get us in, figure out what their plan is, and get us out."

"I will," Kegan said aloud, making Calix flash him a strange look.

"You'll what?" Calix asked, kissing Kegan's neck once again before pulling away.

Kegan smiled, knowing he couldn't show nervousness or Calix would start asking questions, and he didn't want to lie to his mate. Fake him out and do something for the good of the pack, yes. Lie to his mate and make Calix feel like he couldn't be trusted?

Chances were that would happen anyway, but Kegan wanted to avoid lying to his face.

"I will wear your mark well," Kegan said, rolling off of Calix and cuddling beside him.

"He's definitely up to something," Zakai said irritably. "We should punish him."

"We have no proof he's up to something."

"Hold him down and fuck him until he's willing to talk," Zakai purred mischievously.

Calix mentally scoffed at his wolf. "Stop thinking about sex! We just need to keep an eye on him, got it?"

Zakai agreed, settling down even though he wanted Calix to make their mate tell them what he was thinking.

"Are you tired?" Kegan asked, looking at the clock which read 5:30 in the afternoon. "I'm so tired."

"We had an early morning," Calix crooned, settling down and holding Kegan tightly to his side. "Let's get some rest. Maybe we'll wake up at a weird hour and watch the sunrise again."

Kegan purred. "I'd like that," he smiled, though he planned to be gone before Calix ever woke up.


Double update!

Hope y'all are enjoying :))

The Omega's Savior Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora