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Calix woke up to a throbbing headache and voices around him. He didn't know where he was, but he knew his back was aching where he had been laying on it and he needed water.

Slowly opening his eyes, Calix saw the blurry outline of his mate talking to Astra, but he couldn't see their expressions due to his blurred vision. He tried to get his vision to focus, but his head was in a lot of pain so he couldn't force himself to see.

"Kegan," Calix whispered in a scratchy voice, unable to speak much louder.

Thankfully Kegan heard him and turned to his mate, rushing over to him. "Shh, don't talk," Kegan cooed, grabbing a glass of water from then nightstand and holding it to Calix's lips. "Drink, Calix."

Still waking up, Calix just nodded, opening his mouth and sighing as the cool water rushed inside. He guzzled down the whole glass and was given another once he'd finished it, this time drinking it a little slower.

"Can you take these pills?" Kegan asked, holding out two orange capsules to his mate. "They'll help your headache and your back."

Calix mumbled a scratchy "yes" and took the pills, popping them in his mouth and swallowing the medicine. He shuddered once he was done, his stomach feeling tender and aching at the sudden appearance of the water and medicine in him.

"How long have I been out?" Calix asked, closing his eyes in attempt to ease the pain in his head.

"Three months," Kegan said sadly, making Calix's eyes fly open.


Kegan burst into laughter. "I'm kidding, it's only been since really early this morning. It's four in the evening," he said, making Calix groan.

"I'd thank you for lightening the mood, but that made my head feel like a train hit it," he mumbled, settling back into the pillows. "What was Astra doing here?"

"Checking on me," Kegan said, sitting at the edge of the bed beside Calix. "Making sure I wasn't losing it."

Calix sighed, holding his arms out. "Come here," he pleaded, shocked when Kegan shook his head.

"I need to go get you something!" he exclaimed, leaping toward his mate and kissing Calix's forehead. He jumped away before Calix could stop him and try to keep him from leaving.

"No, just stay here," Calix whined, sounding like a child who'd just been told he couldn't have a cookie. "Please?"

"Take a nap," Kegan said, flicking Calix on the nose. "If you weren't feeling like shit I'd flick your head."

Calix grinned. "Which one?" he asked with a wink, making Kegan scowl and turn away. "Love you, baby! Hurry back to me!"

"I'll take as long as possible!" Kegan said in the same cheery voice that Calix had used. "Love you!"

Kegan had talked to Lys earlier in the day and asked her to prepare a box of Calix's favorite sweets for when he woke up. He hadn't expected Calix to wake up so early, especially with the damage done to his back and the pain that the doctor said he'd be dealing with from the loss of blood and dehydration.

As he stepped down the porch steps, he found Tan and Luke walking around, looking on the ground. Both seemed slightly frazzled as they peered at the dirty path, before noticing Kegan.

"What're you doing?" Kegan asked, not caring if it was none of his business.

He was the future Luna; everything within the pack grounds was his business.

Tan seemed a little baffled, while Luke forced a smile.

"Uh... nothing?" Luke tried with his forced grin, wrapping an arm around Tan's waist. "Just a morning stroll."

"At four in the afternoon?" Kegan deadpanned, raising an eyebrow.

Tan sighed in defeat. "We're looking for who could've attacked Calix," he said, looking at Kegan then back to the ground. "But we can't pick up any scents or find any blood. Has he told you anything about who attacked him?"

"No, he hasn't," Kegan said flatly, looking between the two Alphas. "Are you sure you're okay? You two are acting weird."

"Uh..." Tan trailed off, as if he was caught in a lie and didn't know what to say. "Yes?"

"Tan's really horny," Luke said, making his mate scowl and punch his arm. "You kinda walked in before we got to the good part, so he wants to find whatever clues are out here so we can get inside and-"

Kegan cut them off by fake gagging. "Okay, I get it. Please make it quick so I can come back and I don't have to wonder if there's a dying cow upstairs," he said, cringing slightly.

Tan gave him an apologetic smile, before Luke pulled him toward the house.

"See ya, Luna! Gotta get started as soon as possible because I guarantee I can outlast anyone in this house," Luke said, winking and pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek.

Kegan scoffed. "Yeah, I'm sure all of the prison blow jobs helped you with that," he said, which only made Luke's grin wider before the pair disappeared into the pack house.

Despite the two leaving, Kegan was still suspicious. He walked around on the dirt path just outside the pack house, eyes on the ground where the two Alphas were looking. Not finding anything, he went to head to Lys' diner, only to hear a small plasticky crunch beneath his foot.

Moving his foot, Kegan saw a small, red disk on the ground. He squatted down and picked it up and brushed the dirt off of it, trying to figure out what it was. Even though it seemed unimportant, Kegan's gut told him it was important so he pocketed it.


"You're walking slowly on purpose!" Calix complained as Kegan walked into the room, grinning before slowing down significantly on his way to the bed. "What's in your hands?"

Kegan shrugged, dropping the box on Calix's lap. "The reason I'm so slow, apparently," he spat, climbing over his mate and laying on his side of the bed. "How's your head?"

"One of them could use attention," Calix said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nope," Kegan said, sticking out his tongue and grimacing. "Open the box, weirdo."

Calix sighed and listened, opening the box. "I love you so much," he said, grabbing a doughnut and taking a big bite. "What's the occasion? Me getting attacked by rogues?"

Kegan's eyes widened. "Rogues are what attacked you?!" he asked in fear. "How?! Rogues don't come near our territory!"

"I don't know, Kegan," Calix said, kissing his cheek and leaving a bit of chocolate frosting on his face. "It's not important. What's the occasion behind the treats?"

Hanging his head, Kegan moved his eyes away from Calix. "It's kind of an 'I'm sorry' I guess. I should never have acted like Leon wanted me around more than you, because you're my mate and the only one I want to be with and that wants to be with me. And I'm sorry I pushed you, because that's what made you run," he said sorrowfully, eyes glassy.

Calix growled. "Me running had nothing to do with you. Yes, I was mad, but it wasn't on you that I punched a mirror and almost hit you. It was a rush of anger and it was not your fault whatsoever," he said, gazing fiercely at his mate.

Kegan just nodded. "Okay," he whispered, wiping the chocolate glaze from the doughnut off his cheek. "I'm still sorry."

"I know, and I know you and you're going to feel sorry even if I tell you not to be," Calix mumbled, placing his box of sweets on the nightstand next to his empty water cup. "We've got some things to work out, don't we?"

"Yeah," Kegan laughed, resting his head on Calix's shoulder. "We've got three days before the ceremony. Think we can fix everything before then?"

Calix laughed softly, kissing Kegan's mate mark. "Relationships are a long process, love. It's only been a few months. We have to learn each other. Knowing each other isn't something that'll happen overnight," he explained. "But I know we can do it."

"Yes, we can," Kegan said firmly. "I'm excited for this ceremony."

"Me too, love," Calix whispered. "Me too."

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