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"Come on, defeat me!" Luke yelled, shifting into his wolf and lunging at Calix, who was holding a short sword that was ripped out of his grasp by Luke seconds later. "Leon will have your head in thirty seconds!"

"Stop talking!" Calix ordered, but Luke only shot more snappy remarks at him. "I can't focus!"

Luke laughed as well as he could in his wolf form, he and Calix dancing around in a circle as Luke tried to strategize his next attack. He growled, standing in front of the sword and gave a wolf grin to Calix before running at him, waiting for Calix to attempt to protect himself before locking his teeth around the Alpha's leg and pulling him to the ground.

As soon as Calix hit the ground, Luke pounced on top of him, baring his teeth. He grabbed Calix's wrist with his teeth, biting down on the flesh and tasting the metallic blood that flooded from the wound.

"Ow! What the fuck, I'm already knocked down!" Calix yelled, trying to rip his arm from Luke's mouth, only for it to hurt more. "Let go, you won!"

"Do you think Leon will just let go because you're on the ground?! This is a fight to the death! If he wins, you're not only going to be dead, but your pups become Leon's, your mate becomes Leon's, and we all become his subjects unless we want to die or become rogues!" Luke mentally yelled, sounding more angry and scared himself than it sounded like he was scolding Calix. "I can't go back to that pack. Kegan can't go back to that pack. We can't lose our Alpha!"

He then released Calix's arm, climbing off and shifting back so Calix could let his wound have time to heal. Once Luke was covered and Calix's arm ceased to bleed, Luke sat beside the other Alpha.

"Just say it," Calix whispered. "He's stronger than me. He's older than me. I might as well go say my goodbyes to my mate and contact my brother and ask if our pack mates can live with him."

What Calix wasn't expecting was Luke to slap him across the face, leaving an angry red mark.

"Are you serious?!" Luke asked him, glaring at his Alpha. "You're just going to give up?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Calix managed to avoid his slap the second time. "You said that you used to battle Leon for practice and that he always beat you! You really think I have a chance of beating him when I'm without my wolf and I can't even beat you? I'm going to be dead in less than twelve hours!" he exclaimed, getting up and turning toward the pack house. "I'm not spending my last hours alive fighting a battle with you that I won't win."

He tried to walk away, but was tackled to the ground by Luke, still in his human form.

Luke was glaring at him. "Fine. Go to the pack house. But, first, you have to beat me," he said, growling lowly at the Alpha. "If you don't, I'll keep you out here all night until you fight that lousy excuse of an Alpha."

Calix got up and walked over to his sword. "Fine," he groused, refusing to accept defeat without ever seeing Kegan again.

Luke stood up, grabbing his own sword which he didn't use, but he needed to talk while they were fighting. He placed it against Calix's, before moving it and watching the Alpha skillfully block it.

"You're good with a sword," Luke said, jabbing again and missing when Calix spun away from him. "But you leave your midsection open once you get away."

With that, he shifted into his wolf and dove at Calix's midsection. He was surprised when Calix moved away, holding his sword in front of him. The very action made Luke grin.

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