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Izuku's POV.
I had just left the ground of UA after a tough quirk assessment. I haven't improved that much since the start of the year, even though it had already been six months. I was disappointed in myself. I felt as though I could do more, maybe I was just a Deku after all. As I continued to wander around with my thoughts, I found myself in the woods where Kacchan and I used to play as kids. I sigh at the old memories. As I cross the log, over passing the river, I hear two voice. I peer around the tree to see none other than Toga, and Dabi. I peer around further to see a nomu standing in front of them. Staying as quiet as I could, I crept closer until I was hidden in between a large section of rocks. I listen in as they begin to talk.

3rd person POV.
Toga stood there impatiently before suddenly yelling, "Can we hurry this up already, I don't see why we have to do this when he could have done it himself, he really is lazy isn't he Dabi." Dabi who had been looking at his phone the entire time, glared at her saying, "Look, I don't care what happens to this defect over here. Let's just get rid of it and leave." Izuku decides to try and move to a better spot, but suddenly rock fell above him, causing the 2 to turn. They glared in his direction before looking back at the nomu. Dabi then lite the nomu up in a flash of blue flames before the two disappeared into a portal. Thinks on instincts, Izuku flicks his finger towards the nomu, using one for all to kill the flames. He sees the nomu slowly regenerating. He looks around, wonders what to do with it. The nomu gives off a low growl. Izuku turns around to see the nomu laying on the grassy ground. He starts to walk towards the nomu before it starts thrashing around. Izuku realises that the nomu must think he is Toga or Dabi. Izuku jumps back just in time to prevent himself from getting decapitated, but still get a slash stretching from his right shoulder to his left hip. 'That's gonna scar', he thought.

3rd person POV.
Izuku backed up slowly, believing that the nomu would attack him. His back was pressed against the wall. The nomu continued to screech and thrashed around, as though he was in pain. Izuku was confused, did he help the creature whose kind had tried to kill him, his classmates, and his teacher many times. Or did he leave it there and call the pros. Not knowing what to do, Izuku did the only thing he could think of. He calmed himself down. Have a feeling it could sense emotions; he began to walk towards it. As get got close the nomu seemed to calm more. As Izuku finally reached the nomu, he realised he had gotten cuts all along his arms. 'Great', he though, we have heroics class on Friday. Izuku slowly out his hand out towards the nomu placing it in his head. The next thing he saw was black.

Hey guys, let me know what u think and if I should keep writing

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