Holidays Part 1: Discovery

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Authors Notes:
Italics – Telepathically talking

'it' Thinking in head

Where we left off (Friday/ Saturday)
I smile as I walk off to my room to collect what I will need for the first week of my staying with Kiyoshi. Clothes, notebooks, pens, pencils, ropes, toolbox, library card, money, snacks, blankets, a pillow, and I also put in a sleeping bag and tarp. By the end, I have 2 large duffel bags full of items, minus the sleeping bag and tarps, they didn't fit. 'Alright', I think to myself, 'that's everything.' I say by to mom and head to the warehouse. I walk in to see Kiyoshi waiting, 'let's do this.'

Izuku's POV.
The first thing I did was set up where I would be sleeping during my week's stay. I laid the extra blankets I brought on the floor next to the ones we had set up for Kiyoshi, adding a few square meters of area for me to set up a mini living space. I placed my duffel bags in the far corner before setting up the rest of the space. I unzipped my sleeping bag, so it is a large rectangle and laid the on the floor, placing my pillow at one end. I gather the poles and use One for All to stab them into the ground of the four corners of the blanketed areas, and one in the center, straight through the blanket. I then attach the tarp to the poles and raise it, covering the area where Kiyoshi and I will sleep, 'That's if I'm not up all-night planning.', I thought. By the time I have finished setting this up it's already 9pm. 'wow, that took longer than I thought'. "Hey Kiyoshi!", I yell out, "Let's go to sleep now, we have a lot to do tomorrow. Could you also heal a wound for me?" "Ok Izuku, will you be ok though? It gets quite cold here. Also, yes, I can heal your wound", he responds. I say, "Yeah, I should be fine." With that I lift my shirt and take off the bandages so he can heal the cut. His hands glow as the wound fixes itself, tissue slowly growing back. Once he's done, we settle down for the night, him laying on his blankets like a dog, and me under my sleeping bag.

<Time skip – The next morning>

Izuku's POV.
I open my eyes and I shut them again quickly, the gun gleaming in my face through the warehouse windows. I shuffle around to go sit up when I realise there is something preventing me from doing so, I feel the weight across my whole body and slowly reopen my eyes. As my eyes adjust to the bright morning light, I see a large, bulky black wings over my body, Kiyoshi sleeping peacefully next to me. 'When did this happen?' I wonder, then it hits me.

It was around 1am when I woke up, shivering from the chilly night air and the vision, once again, haunting my dreams. I sit up, pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping the sleeping bag around me as tight as I can. I stare into empty space for a few minutes before I hear rustling beside me, I turn to see Kiyoshi staring at me with a blank faced look yet concern in his eyes. His eyes scan me, looking at my tremoring body. Next thing I know, he pulls me into his side, laying his wing over my body. Not even a moment later, I feel my body heat up. I realise he is using his quirk to warm me up, I relax into his side, letting the dark and warmth wash over my body.
*Flashback End*

I press myself flat against the floor and shuffle my way out from under Kiyoshi's wing. Once I'm out, I check to see if he is still asleep, thankfully, he is. I slept in my clothes so I wouldn't had to change, and I could get straight to work. I don't know how much sleep Kiyoshi need or if he even needs it at all but, it best for him to sleep during the day anyways. 'We can't really train or do testing any time before nightfall I guess, there are so many people out and about, it could both him and me caught' I thought. I head over to my duffel bag and start searching for what I would need for the day. I pull out my jacket, a bag of energy bar, my notebook, pen, pencils, earphones, and those weird pouches Aizawa-sensei has, but coffee ones instead. I'm pretty sure he has juice ones. I check my phone to see what the time is, it reads 9am, 'Wow,' I thought, 'I guess I slept well for once.' A sudden movement causes me to flinch, I notice it Kiyoshi waking up, "Hey Kiyoshi, thanks for last night." He looks confused, he waits a few moments before remembering, "That's ok Izuku, you looked like you needed it. Is there anything you need?" I remember what I thought before, "Yes, I did need that thanks. There isn't much we can do during the day so it'll be best for you to sleep then and we can train at night. I will do the same but also spend some time planning what we will do at night. For now, would I be able to sit in at same spot as last night whilst I plan? I just that it was warm and comforting, its ok if you don't want me to though..." I start to go on muttering once again, Kiyoshi gives a weird, smile? I'm not sure what it was but he said, "It doesn't bother me at all, of course you can Izuku." He lifts his wing, allowing me to grab all my stuff and sit back in my original spot, he eyes slowly close and his body heats up. I hear the beating of his heart slowing, it's comforting to see his so trusting around me, even if I did save him. I open one of the pouches and stab in a straw, taking a sip, it wasn't half bad. I open my note book to a new page and start jotting down a training regimen for the both of us, I figured it would be easier for the both of us to train at the same time, so why not do joint exercises. I come up with varieties of different plans, in one I would fire One for All at him and he'd dodge, then switching. Him firing shots at me whilst I dodge. Another training idea was just normal sparing, I decided we will train in the warehouse for the most part, but I would look in the forest for somewhere safe to train. Whilst the forest was secluded, people still went there so it wouldn't be safe forever, I finish working out the training plans and I decide I will search the forest later tonight for a cavern or lagoon or somewhere where we can train. By now, it's already 1pm so I decide to find and create hiding spaces for Kiyoshi and me. I mean, there is always the chance people will come into the warehouse, I'm not going to risk us getting caught just because I was underprepared. I once again move out of the warmth of Kiyoshi's body and inspect the warehouse, top to bottom, not leaving a single area uninspected. There was a couple of side rooms and very oddly, a trapdoor with stairs leading to an underground basement, and a side room with glass sliding doors

  There was a couple of side rooms and very oddly, a trapdoor with stairs leading to an underground basement, and a side room with glass sliding doors

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(This was the basement, ignore the rooms in the background)

It was about a quarter of the size of the warehouse above it, it was well kept. I head to the light switch as surprisingly it works, I notice there was also power points located around the room, and a large circular door towards the furthest end, as curious as I was, I would have to wait to explore that, I don't know what's down there and I won't risk getting myself killed because I went alone. I head to the side room and open the door it was amazing. It was basically an apartment. Along the side of the room, there was a bench top, sink, stove, and fridge, all in a great condition. I fully open the door and head inside to further inspect the room, there was an area for a bed and a bathroom opposite the kitchen, inside it a clean shower, toilet, and sink. I check them all expecting them to break, but much to my surprise, they work, clean water as well. I rush back out to the mini kitchen, wanting to see if the appliances there work as well. I head over to the fridge first. When I open it, I was hit with a cool air. Thankfully, there was nothing in the fridge itself, I check the freezer and it was the same as the fridge. I turn on the sink and a stream of water began to wash away the layer of dust that had been collected. I turn my attention to the stove, I was worried about this one, not sure whether it was gas or electricity based. 'That reminds me, I should check to see if the warehouse lights still work or not.' I hold my breath as turn on the stove and oven... 'it works! Plus, I didn't blow up!' I open the cupboard below the sink and brush away all the dust to find electrical and coding manuals, all in packaging still. 'Whoever was here must not have ever got to read them... doesn't mean I can't though.' I looked deeper into the cupboard and I'm taken back by what I find, large bags filled to the brim with cash, there was at least $30'000 dollars' worth of money in there (Idk yen so I will just use dollars so people/I don't get confused). 'I know it's wrong but... I'll use the money to clean this room and we can stay down here, were less likely to get caught and the money looks likes it has been here for year's anyways. The bags have literal cm's of dust on them.' I look at the bags closer and find a note.

To whomever finds this,
I don't know who you are but use this money well, my family could not and always
fought over it, so I hid it from them.

Feeling a little less guilty, I exit the smaller and head back to the main warehouse. It was now 3:30pm, I decide to take a nap before I train Kiyoshi. I set my alarm to 10pm and I walk back over to him and nestle down into his side once again, letting myself drift off to sleep and his wing falls over me, pitching me into darkness.  


Hey guys, sorry my updates have been slow cus, you know s C h O o L happened :p
Anyways, i will try and update more often and sorry about the grammar and spelling error, i just suck at this sorta stuff.  Baii 

Last Edited: 18/08/2020

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