Unexpected turn of events

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Authors Notes:
*Season 4 spoilers*
Italics – Telepathically talking
' ' Thinking in head

Where we left off
As Izuku finally reached the nomu, he realised he had gotten cuts all along his arms.  'Great', he though, we have heroics class in two days.  Izuku slowly out his hand out towards the nomu placing it in his head.  The next thing he saw was black.

Izuku's POV. (Wednesday)
I jerked awake, looking around before deciding to stand up.  I turn around to come face to face with the nomu.  We were surrounded by the forest.  It was starting to get dark.  I finally got the chance to look at the nomu. He looked very similar to the nomu from the U.S.J. but had the wings of the one that took him after fighting Stain.

 but had the wings of the one that took him after fighting Stain

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(This Nomu)

(But with these wings: wings are black)

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(But with these wings: wings are black)

Not knowing what to do I just stand there starting at him, he stares back. "hello" he says startling me; I fall backwards but before I hit the ground I realise I have stopped falling, the nomu had caught me.  I start to stand up, "thanks." I mumble.  Processing the information, I half yell, "hold on, how can I hear you?!" The nomu tilts his head as if he were confused.  "When you touch me, we became connect through our minds, I will be able to sense when you in danger and how your mental and physical state is. Whenever you want to talk to me you just need to think of me and say my name in your head.  Then you will be able to telepathically talk to me and I will be able to hear you and talk back", the nomu said.  I look at him in shock processing the fact I can communicate with him telepathically, before I realise, I need somewhere to hide him.  I can't talk to the school; they call me crazy.  I sat there for a while, thinking about what to do.  I realise I have no clue what to call him.  "Hey, do you have a name?", I ask him, not expecting a response.  "My name? I am called nomu 23", he says. Shit, I didn't realise there were so many nomu's.  I should have expected him not to have a name.  "Well I'm giving you a name, how... about... Kiyoshi? It means quiet."  I ask him.  I turn around to face him, he was right in front of me.  Before I can ask what, he is doing, he starts to lick me, like a dog. "Thank you very much, I have never had a name before.  What shall I call you?" he asks. I think for a while before say, "Call me Izuku, now follow me.  I need to keep you hidden until I decide who to ask for help, I will take you to an old abandoned warehouse".  As I walk, I wipe the saliva off me, making sure to check every few minutes to see if he is still following me.  We walk to the edge of the forest and make it to the warehouse; I open the back doors to see it was still in a decent condition, but it was quite dirty with scrap metals and junk everywhere.  I start to remove the junk from the warehouse, Kiyoshi helping me.  Once the place is clean and I have used one for all to get rid of all the dusty and dirt, I turn to face Kiyoshi, "I have to go now, I need you to stay here so you don't get caught.  I will come back tomorrow, and I might bring my mom with me ok, plus some food as well ok?"  "Okay, Izuku", he responds.  I head out of the warehouse, shutting the door, careful to make sure the door was locked before I begin to run home.  'God, how will I explain this to mum?', I thought as I continue to run.

3rd person POV.
Izuku ran home and unlocked the door to a worried Inko and surprisingly, his mentor, All Might.  He slipped off his shoes just as his mum ran into his arms sobbing, he looked up at the clock before noticing the time.  It was 12:54pm.  'No wonder she was worried, now it makes sense as to why All Might was here, after the villain's attack at the U.S.J., Hosu, Kamino and the work studies, I guess a student going missing for a long time was a reason to worry'.  "Young Midoriya, where were you?  We were both worried sick", All Might asks.  *Shit Izuku thought* "Well... um... I-i was tr-training at the g-gym.  I-i lost track of t-time, I-i'm s-sorry!"  All Might smiles and joins the hug, "It all good my boy, now that you are here, I must be going."  With that all might leave's, leaving Izuku at the mercy of his mother who pinches his ear and drags him to the living room, tears still running down her face.  "Izuku, I know you were lying back there", Izuku stiffens, "now, tell me where you where or your grounded for or a month." Inko says.  Realising he has no choice, he begins to recount of the say, "Well it started when..."

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