Holidays pt. 6: Appearance and Gone

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Where we left off
All the other teachers nod in agreeance, Nezu speaks up, "Alright everyone, I call this meeting over. We will continue to investigate Midoriya's case and inform you if any information comes up. Also, first week back is free dress, all the students were informed." With that the teaches left the room, returning to their work leaving me to head back to my office to prepare for class next week.

Izuku POV.
It had been a busy week since my fight, now with only a week left until the start of school. Mum had to go home and I had to train my new quirk... which was proving to be more difficult than I thought, whenever I activated 'Black Whip', as it was called, worked fine, but whenever I deactivated it, the pain was unbearable. At night Kiyoshi and I went to the cove and I would attack him with my Black Whip, we did this for hours each time it got slightly less painful. This went on from Monday until tonight, it was 6pm so I decided I should call my mom and tell her about black whip, I pull out my phone and dial my mom number, it rings for a while before picking up. "Hey mom, can I talk to you?" There is a moment of silence before I hear a raspy response, "Well, hello again... Izuku Midoriya." I freeze up, 'I recognize that voice anywhere, "Shigaraki... what did you do with my mom!?", I exclaim through the phone. He laughs, "She is fine... for now, the next time we show up at U.A., you better hand over number 23. You might want to head home, there is a surprise waiting for you.", with that he hangs up. I grab both of my phones and race out of side room and up the trap door, "Kiyoshi, no matter what happens you stay here.", before he has the chance to respond I had already slammed the trap door behind me. Once I was out of the warehouse, I notice a large smoke cloud up ahead... it was my apartment... and it was going up in flames, crumbling down with the structure of the building falling apart. 'I have my license, I can use my quirk.', I thought. Using One for All, I jump across the tops of builds, racing towards the building and arrive just in time, most people have evacuated with the help of the police but there were no hero's yet... I was the only one there. I run pass the barrier the police have set up and they start to yell at me, I throw over my license and yell, "I'm a hero in training! I can help! I need to you move everyone at least 25m back and set up a medical area for those injured!" The policemen nod at me and start moving people back and taking the injured to a medical area which was then set up, I rush towards the building and help people who were trapped under the rubble escape, using One for All to throw fall rubble off them and to pass them off to the police to get them away from the building. The suddenly the building shakes and pipes begin to fall towards a policeman who was evacuating a woman and her small child, I rush forwards and push the them to the floor below me, using Blackwhip to catch the falling pipes.

  The suddenly the building shakes and pipes begin to fall towards a policeman who was evacuating a woman and her small child, I rush forwards and push the them to the floor below me, using Blackwhip to catch the falling pipes

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(He isn't in his hero costume, just in casual clothes)

I face the policeman, "Get them out of here, NOW!", I throw the rubble aside and hear a screaming, I look up and see a little girl on the third floor window, screaming out to her parents. I run into the building avoiding the fire as best as possible, I reach the stairs and run up them 4 at a time. I reach the third floor and run through the halls, I hear her crying in of the of apartments and break down the door, searching for the child. I run into the kitchen to see her crouched in the corner, I rushed to her and when she saw me, she jumped into my arms and clung on to me as tight as she could. I held her close to my chest, wrapping my arms around her to protect her from the heat, I hear a hissing noise and turn to locate the source, a stove with a broken gas pipe... the fire comes closer to the exposed gas and I realise I don't have enough time to make it out the apartment door. Without a second thought I climb into the kitchen window and jump, just as the kitchen explodes behind me, glass cutting my face, arms, and legs as I protect the girl I'm holding.

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