Holidays pt. 4: New Quirk

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Authors Notes
*Manga Spoilers from now on– Around chapters 210 - 217*

Where we left off
The man smiled, "It'll cost what you have on you now, and a fee of about $2500." Izuku thought about this for a moment and smiled, "Deal, you need my number?". "Yes, I go by the Crimson Cat, and you?" Izuku smirked, "Call me the Jade Bunny.". The pair exchanged numbers, and Izuku he handed over the money and took a packet of cigarette off the man, leaving with his drink in hand.

3rd POV.

<Time skip – 1 week later (First week of holidays: Monday)>

It was now the first week of the holiday and a lot had changed. Izuku had received the furniture and 'supplies' midway through the week at 3am, he had started to smoke after training and Kiyoshi had gone to sleep, he would also take walks through the forest with Kiyoshi, so they weren't always in the cove. Izuku also made the effort to stop at the coffee shop every morning and afternoon, he had unpacked all the furniture and assembled it, it had been placed into the side room, creating his new home away from home. He also decided to paint the walls to make the room match. Izuku liked what he had done with the room, it felt homier, his attitude had also changed over the week, he was more confident, a lot more confident, the club really changed him. Surprisingly, he had only made his way through around $10000, this include Crimson Cat's fee.

(Minus the clothes rack, tv, and picture hanging above bed)

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(Minus the clothes rack, tv, and picture hanging above bed)

Izuku had just checked his phone and it read 7pm, so he woke up Kiyoshi for the nights training. The two headed out of the tunnel and into the cove, the pair trained with their usual sparing and dosing training until about 3am, when Izuku decided they should take a break and have a walk through the forest. In the past week, Izuku had managed to get his percentage up to 40%, this was because of all the training... and maybe being able to relieve his stress though smoking and coffee. As the pair come into one of the forests clearings, they hear the sound of snapping sticks behind them, Kiyoshi flies into the air as Izuku uses One for All to jump as high as he can, just managing to avoid the blue flames that set fire to the ground below. "Kiyoshi, use your wings to fan away the fire." Izuku shouted, as he began to descend to the earth. Kiyoshi swung his wings back and forth, extinguishing the deadly flame just and Izuku landed, Kiyoshi dropping behind him, giving a loud menacing growl, as though to warn them to stay away. A loud laughter made the two turn heads towards the origin of the sound... it was Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga. "Well, well, well... it appears the rumors are true. My precious number 23 and a hero in training are working alongside each other, but I must take back him back, these two idiots got rid of the wrong one.", Shigaraki said is a raspy voice. Izuku responded by saying, "Well, first off, his name isn't 23, it's Kiyoshi and second... You. Can't. Have. Him. Back... Handyman." He didn't have to call him that but it seemed funny and a good idea at the same time, Shigaraki clearly gets angry easily and he acts rash when he's angry, 'That's what I want.', thought Izuku. "Dabi, Toga, I want 23... NOW!", Shigaraki hollered as the two rushed at Izuku, Dabi with his hands smoking and Toga with her knives ready. "Kiyoshi,", Izuku said under his breath, "You need to get out of here, I'll handle them... GO!", he yelled the last part. Izuku fired One for All at the two villains, pushing them back into a large tree as Kiyoshi took to the sky, flying as high as he could and out of the villain's range. Toga was knocked out on impact but Dabi was still conscious, ready to fight, and Shigaraki, was watching, clearly irritated. Dabi shot a fire ball towards Izuku who skidded to the side, dodging, he retaliated by sending a 20% punch towards him. This went on for a few minutes, Dabi firing shots and insults at Izuku whilst he dodged, until Shigaraki was about to step in when Dabi said, "You look like a child, a crybaby, running around trying to play hero! You couldn't even save the angry blond kid; he was right in front of you and you did nothing!" This triggered something in Izuku, he screamed in pure rage and pain as black tentacles burst out of his arm, destroying the line of trees around them, and slamming Dabi into a pile of rocks. Dabi slowly stood up, a gash wound running across his head, he tried to walk forwards but collapsed. Shigaraki realised the severity of the situation and called Kurogiri, it only took those few seconds for Izuku to attack Shigiraki, slashing him across his eye, all the way from the right of his forehead, all the way down to the top of his lip. 'Dang,', Izuku thought whilst trying to control the tentacles, 'Both Dabi and Shigaraki are gonna have scars now.' Moments later, Kurogiri showed up and seeing both the state of his comrades and Izuku, he quickly collected them and teleported them out of there, not before Shigiraki managed to spit out," You'll regret this Izuku Midoriya... I will get both you and 23. Mark my words." Izuku managed to get the tentacles under control before he began free falling to the ground. Kiyoshi had sensed him falling, with no other life forces around him so he deemed it safe, so he flew back as fast as possible, catching Izuku moments before he hit the ground. "Thank Kiyoshi, lets head back aye.", Izuku said, he stood up and managed to walk a few meters before his knees collapsed beneath him, he looked to his arms to see black marks where the tentacles came out, they were painful, 'Must have drained my energy.', he thought. Kiyoshi picked him up and mentally spoke to him, "I will carry you back to the warehouse Izuku, will you be able to reach your bed once we get there?" Izuku smiled, "Thanks and yes, I should be able to reach my bed once we get back. It isn't that far of a walk and I can use the wall for support." Izuku smiled as Kiyoshi flew the pair back, 'Maybe I could look at ways of trying to fly with Kiyoshi?', he thought to himself as they arrived at the cove and entered the tunnel, Kiyoshi flew down leading at the basement entrance in only a few minutes. Kiyoshi walked in and shut the door behind them, he headed to the side room and places Izuku down, letting him use his large arm for support as he opened the door. Izuku thanked Kiyoshi and the duo set off to sleep. During his sleep, Izuku discovered what his new quirk was by talking to a previous one for all user (same talk with past OFA user as the manga).

Izuku POV.
I heard ringing in the distance, it was one of my phones. I walk over and pick it up, not bothering to check the caller ID. "Hello?" I say. "Hi Izuku, how are you this afternoon? I was thinking of coming for a visit in an hour or so." I blink in surprise and look at the time, it was 6:30pm... Tuesday! 'Damn,' I thought, 'Black Whip must had drained more energy than I thought.' "Hey mom, I'm okay. You can definitely come for a visit, bring clothes for the next few days though, ok? Don't ask why, just trust me." I hear nothing for a minute until she says, "Ok then, I trust you. See you soon Izuku." I hear long beep and the call disconnects, I head to the bathroom, take a shower, and look at myself in the mirror. My bright green bushy hair, hanging in my eyes, 'Wow, my hair is so bright and along with my freckles... I guess to do look like a child. Was he right about being a crybaby?' Izuku took a moment to look through his memories, 'Wow, I guess both Kacchan and Dabi were right... Maybe I should try and change, be more assertive, stand up for myself more... yeah, I'll do that.'

3rd POV.
An hour later, Izuku's mom arrived at the warehouse, as he led her to the trap door, she was confused, he opened the trapdoor and led her down to an awake, alert Kiyoshi who relaxed at her presence. Izuku told his mom that he had to show her something, he led her to the side room and to say the least she was shocked. Inko asked what happened and Izuku explained the money and the note, leaving out the club, smoking... and fight with the LOV. She wasn't happy about the money until Izuku said he was also going to donate to charity as well, they spent the rest of the night catching up on what they did during the week, Izuku told his mom about training with Kiyoshi and how he was gonna try and find a way to fly with him, and that he wanted her to as well. Inko smiled, happy her son wanted her included in his life, she happily accepted and hugged her son. Izuku said they should sleep because they would have a busy day and night the next day, Inko agreed and two set off to sleep.  


Hey guys, sorry about the late update, life's been a bit of a mess at the moment so i will try and keep up as much as possible, sorry about grammar and other errors, baiii 

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