Training Exercise

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Where we left off
They enter the house before getting ready for bed, Izuku pausing to look at the scar across his chest. 'Shit' he thought, 'I forgot to ask Kiyoshi to heal it. Oh well, I will just have to lie about it tomorrow and hope no one notices.' With that he falls onto his bed, falling asleep before he even hit the pillow.

3rd person POV. (Friday)
Izuku woke up, once again having that strange vision. He still hadn't told anyone yet, not wanting them to worry about him. It was only 5:50am so he got ready for the day. Izuku had finished getting ready by 6:47am, so he decided to check on Kiyoshi before heading to school. Before leaving, he grabbed a spare bag and grabbed pair of shorts and a tank top, along with a black hoodie. He also added the leather ropes to the bag, just in case. Grabbing his bag, Izuku wrote a note and left it for his mother, saying he was going to visit Kiyoshi before school and that he would be home late because he was going to do some training with him. Placing the note on the kitchen bench, Izuku left the house closing the door behind him. He started his walk to the warehouse, upon arrival he headed around back to open the door and head in. He walked in, being greeted by Kiyoshi. After checking Kiyoshi was ok, he said he was headed to school and would be back later in the day. With that he headed off to school.

Izuku POV
Walking through the gates of UA, I take a moment to breath. 'I can't let anyone think something is up, if they think I'm acting weird, they could find out about Kiyoshi. Then all three of us could be arrested, not only me and Kiyoshi, mom as well. I could just say she didn't know'. I shake the thoughts out of my head, and I climb the stair of UA to the 1-A classroom. Today was the second last week of school for the semester for the whole school, well, the whole school except me. I asked mum to call the school and tell them we were taking a holiday; I wanted more time to train Kiyoshi. With the extra week, it would leave me a full three weeks to train him with his quirks. I reach the classroom and slide the door open. No one else is here yet so I sit down at my desk and pull out my new notebook it black with green, gold and silver lines zig zagging across the middle of the notebooks. I start to jot notes about how I can train with Kiyoshi, especially flying. I heard distant chattering and look up at the door sliding open to reveal Iida and Todoroki. They look over towards me with surprised looks on their faces, 'I guess they are usually the first ones here'. "H-hey guys", I say to the two, "h-how are y-you?" "I'm ok", said Todoroki. "I am doing very well myself Midoriya, how are you feeling after being sick?", Iida asks me, doing his weird hand chopping thing. I give a confused look on my face before I realise, 'I forget I told the school I was sick. I have got to be careful about what I say, so they don't get suspicious'. "o-oh... umm... yea, I am f-feeling better n-now. T-thanks for a-asking!" The two of them glance at each other before seeming to relax. 'Guess they thought something was off, I need to be careful'. As time goes by and our classmates show up, we do our own things. Everything was going fine until Kacchan showed up.

3rd person POV
Izuku was reviewing and jotting down notes on different training exercise he could do with Kiyoshi, as well as how to modify them to make it harder. Noticing Izuku writing in his note book, Bakugo stormed over and ripped the note book out of his hands before stepping a couple of meters away from him, "What is this shitty nerd?" he half yells, causing the majority of the class to look in the direction of the yelling. Not surprising any of them that it was Bakugo. Without hesitation and a surprise to the class, Izuku stood up walked over to him, snatched his notebook back, gave him a glare which would rivals Aizawa's and returned to his desk saying absolutely nothing, then closing his eyes. Everyone was about to question him, when, thankfully Aizawa showed up with a deflated All Might. The two teachers had entered the classroom, they notice the silence following the actions of the 'problem children' as called by Aizawa. None of the class had noticed the two teachers yet, at least, that's what they thought. "Morning Aizawa-sensei, All Might, what are we doing today? asked Izuku. To say the least, both the teachers and students were surprised. He had his eyes closed, 'how the hell did he see them/us! His eyes were closed!', they all thought. Little did they know, Kiyoshi was the one who informed Izuku of their arrival. With his telepathic connection, he has the ability to sense life forces around Izuku. It would be handy in the future Izuku thought to himself when he discovered this. The teachers gained the attention of the class, they explained the activity for heroics class. Hide and Seek Tag. At first, the class was confused but as the teachers explained the rules and how to play, it made more sense. They were to be split up into 4 teams of 5. Leaders will be chosen, and they will pick their teammates in turns. They will start in the center of Ground Beta, each team has 10 minutes to go off an get ready, plan, and do whatever is necessary. "Alright, now for team captains we have: Midoriya, Bakugo, Iida and Sero.  Midoriya since I say so, you can choose first."

Midoryia – "Todoroki"
Bakugo – "Shitty Hair"
Iida – "Asui"
Sero – "Kaminari"

Midoryia – "Mineta"
Everyone including teachers and Mineta - 'Wait, what did he say?'
Bakugo – "Alien"
Iida – "Uraraka"
Sero – "Ojiro"

Midoryia – "Tokoyami"
Bakugo – "Sugar Addict"
Iida – "Yaoyorozu"
Sero – "Aoyama"

Midoryia – "Jiro"
Bakugo – "Invisibitch"
Iida – "Shoji"
Sero – "Koda"

"Ok," Aizawa says, "The final groups are: Midoryia, Todoroki, Mineta, Tokoyami and Jiro. Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Sato and Hagakure. Iida, Asui, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu and Shoji. Then the last group is Sero, Kaminari, Aoyama, Ojiro and Koda." The groups formed together, and the teachers had one look over them. To say the grouping was odd, was an understatement. Bakugo and Iida, both chose people they normal work with, Midoriya and Sero, however, was something different. Sero had obviously chosen the first few of his people because they were his friends, the others were just to fill gaps. What confused the two teachers the most was Midoriya's group. To see his group together confused them, no one in that group was close or really friends, they were even more confused to see Mineta. Mineta of all people was picked by Midoryia. They decided to let it go and see how it played out. The told the class to go change into their hero costumes, however, they did notice Midoryia take his time to be the last one to leave the room. "He was stalling wasn't he.", says All Might after the boy finally leaves. "Yes, it seems to be that way. I wonder why though, he is usually the first out of the room, changed and on the field. Let's keep an eye on him, see if anything changes towards the end of the day.", replies Aizawa. With that the two teachers leave the room and head to Ground Beta, to wait for the class and the game that awaits them.

Hey guys, what do you think so far?  Anyways, I'm not gonna be able to post for a few week, i have some stuff i need to do and since covid isn't being a pain anymore, were visiting family.  That's all for now, peace

last edited: 19/08/2020

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