Chapter 2 - Konoha

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A set of blue eyes fluttered open and Naruto jerked up. He looked around cautiously to study the surroundings. He knew this place like the back of his hand. He had been always practicing and spending time in this place. He even got a Chuunin Exam here as well.

The Forest of the Death... Naruto thought to himself. 

'Took you a while to wake up. Got me scared for a while there.'Kurama scowled with a tint of worry.

Not believing that he had back to the past, Naruto ignored the demon fox and adjusted his body. He staggered to his feet and jumped to a higher tree to see beyond the forest. He finally saw Konoha full of bustling life spread out before him.  

'We made it, kit!'Kurama devilish laughter echoed in his mind. 

'This is not a genjutsu? The seals really worked?'said Naruto in disbelief. 

'Kit, trust me. We really made it.'Kurama convinced his container. 'Now, you'd better go to Konoha and get medical attention. Your wounds are still all over your body. I had healed you a little bit; patching here and there. However, I couldn't completely heal all of your wounds, especially your arms since I already used up all of my chakra to do this seal.'

Naruto let out a long breath and regained his composure. He kept his emotion in checked like the good hokage he was. He looked over his body to see which wounds were left there. He saw that his stomach was still badly hurt, his burnt leg were still severely wounded, and even his lost arms that were mentioned by Kurama. He couldn't get use to it, seeing his body without his arms. 

'I looked horrible,' scoffed Naruto.

Kurama suddenly snapped back to Naruto,'Believe me,kit. You are beyond horrible! I can't believe that you can still stand up and even able to have a proper conversation.'

Naruto gave a dry chuckled and henged himself. He didn't want to startle everyone in Konoha with his condition. He turned into a more normal civillian, his whiskers gone, his blonde hair faded to normal brown, his once cerulean blue eyes became indigo and his clothes matched those of an everyday civilian except he wore a cape to cover his missing arms. Even with a henge, he couldn't make both of his arms. Being satisfied, Naruto started walking mindfully with all the remaining wounds he had to Konoha. 

After taking a few steps, he frowned deeply in thought. 

'Why do you stop?'

'I'm just thinking what to do next.'

'Go to the freaking hospital. You need it firstly!'Kurama growl.

Naruto shook his head. 'I'd better go to the old man first. I need a citizenship to stay in Konoha or else I cannot move freely. I will not say anything to him about myself, at least if it is not necessary. I don't really want to make a hasty move by providing my identity. I'm afraid it could change the whole things in the process.' A brief paused hung in the air before he continued on with a more determine tone,'I'll go with other identity. I just hope the old man will not find out my henge and ask T&I team to interrogate me.'

The fox made a sound of agreement, 'That makes sense. Do what you think is right. I'm going to sleep now. Try not to get killed when you go to Konoha.'

Naruto rolled his eyes feeling annoyed to Kurama's supposedly joke. 

He briskly made his way to Konoha until he got stopped by the gate keepers which none other than Izumo and Kotetsu. Naruto was great in keeping his emotionless face despite the overwhelming feelings he got when seeing his two comrades. Both died protecting Konoha in the front battle with no corpse of both of them could be found. Their bodies were burnt to ashes; engulfed in the fiery fire of the battle. 

"Who are you? We've never seen you before,"said Izumo cautiously. His right hand stopped Naruto for going further, while his left hand readily on the kunai on his leg. His eyes trailed over the man who stood before him suspiciously. He realized that the man wore an odd cape around him making Izumo more unease. 

Naruto remained silent as he gazed to the two men who used to have drinks with him when he slacked off from Hokage's work. They would chatted and exchanged thoughts about everything. It was a great time. 

Getting silent answer from the man, Kotetsu got irritated. He gritted his teeth before sayi to him,"State your business." 

"Sorry, I was thinking something else just now. Let me introduce myself. I'm Hasegawa Akira, a traveler who wishes to get a citizenship in Konoha,"said Naruto who introduced himself with other identity.

A sudden burst of snort could be heard inside Naruto. 'Hasegawa Akira?'

'Shut up, Kurama. It's the only name which came up. Besides, I've been using that name for as long as I can remember during my infiltration time to Suna. Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?'

'I'm planning to but I don't want to miss something amusing.'Kurama smirked. 

Akira didn't have the energy to retort back and just sighed cursing the demon fox quietly.

"Which country do you come from? Where have you been travelling? Why do you want to come here? At least, we need those information before taking you to the Hokage,"explained Izumo still wearing the same cautious expression.

"I come from a country far in the east and I've been travelling to a lot of places seeking experiences here and there,"Akira stated. "I think it's time for me to settle in and I choose Konoha for I heard many good things about this village."

Kotetsu raised an eyebrow hearing Akira's explanation not fully believing him. 

"Well, let's get you to meet the Hokage. I think he has a better judgement for what to do with you,"said Izumo.

Kotetsu made an eye contact with Izumo asking him whether it was alright or not. Izumo then slightly nodded his head gesturing that it was alright. After all, they couldn't find any faults in Akira's statement. Kotetsu then finally agreed to let Akira who was Naruto entered Konoha.

They escorted Akira to the Hokage Tower so the third Hokage can decide his outcome. As they walked, Akira was reminiscing all things about Konoha. Fragment by fragment was being put together by him making a whole piece of picture of what Konoha used to be before the war perished it. 

I almost forgot how busy Konoha is...

Izumo looked at the man he escorted to the Hokage. He felt that he was a bit calm for a foreign person who came for the first time to Konoha. Moreover, he found it very strange that the man seemed to know the way around. 

"We're here. Please wait a moment,"said Kotetsu breaking Izumo's thought. 

Akira waited in front of the Hokage's room while Izumo and Kotetsu talked to the Hokage. His eyes then darted on the small squad of ANBU who was on duty guarding the place. He found it very hilarious thinking back that he could spot them so easily. If he was the enemy nin then the third Hokage would have been dead. 

Not long after that, a stern voice came from the inside asking him to come in. 

He then readily himself to see the third Hokage for the first time ever since he got back. 

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