Chapter 9 - Assessment (1)

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"Cat,"Akira greeted in a dry tone, looking at the ANBU who just got into his apartment through the window. "Glad you made yourself comfortable."

The ANBU didn't seem to pick up the sarcasm, casually sat on the couch, and drink Akira's tea which was on the table."Hokage-sama wants to meet you today."

"Why is that? My assessment is still in a week."Akira said in disbelief."Don't tell me it is related to what I did to the civilian that night?!"Akira asked from the kitchen. 

It had been 5 days since Akira helped Naruto. It had been 5 days too since the ANBU got comfortable with Akira. He openly chatted with Akira with his days telling him the boring things he did and surprisingly, he cracked jokes too with Akira. 

Akira didn't mind that. He felt that the ANBU's presence warmed him a bit, at least he got someone to talk to and made him company.

The ANBU just shrugged at Akira's question making the blonde man irked up. Akira could see behind the mask that the ANBU actually liked it seeing him in frustration. He then scowled at the man and threw a kitchen towel to him. The ANBU reflectively caught it and smirked in victory. 

A knock could be heard from Akira's apartment door. Akira grumbled as he opened the door. He then saw a grey hair shinobi stared at him.  Behind the shinobi, he saw three small children standing still. 

Apparently and of course, Naruto told Kakashi and his teammates what Akira did to save him. Thus, much to his dismay, Kakashi became curious with him and the next day after the incident, Kakashi paid him a visit and bombarded him with questions making Akira's head hurt. Akira was barely managed to escape from Kakashi's questions. Moreover, the ANBU was also there watching the interactive between the blonde man and the copy-nin with amusement. 

Akira leaned on the door feeling tired all of a sudden and asked to the grey hair shinobi in a bored tone,"What are you doing here, Hatake-san?"

"My student wants to meet you,"Kakashi said as he gestured his hand to the back showing three genin stood behind him. 

"Are we coming on a bad time, Hasegawa-san?"Naruto asked from behind Kakashi."Sorry for that, my teammates got interested on you and wanted to come here."

Akira flicked Naruto on the forehead."What did I tell you? Stop calling me Hasegawa-san."

Naruto rubbed his forehead and smiled,"Akira-san."

Sasuke and Sakura was quite surprised at the friendly term between Naruto and Akira. Sakura smiled sheepishly at Akira and said,"Hasegawa-san, I would like to thank you for your advice. Sorry for coming only now."On the other hand, Sasuke kept silent and looked away before finally muttered a little thanks to Akira.

Akira smiled making the pink genin blushed and nodded."Come in. Let me introduce you to my bodyguard, Cat."

The ANBU nearly spit out his tea at Akira's remark. "H-hello everyone. You can call me Cat. And hello Kakashi-senpai. Please come in and make yourself comfortable."

Akira snorted in annoyance hearing that. It seemed as the apartment was the ANBU instead of his.

"Stop calling me senpai. I'm not in the ANBU anymore,"Kakashi greeted the ANBU."You look like you own the apartment here."

The three genin and Kakashi came inside Akira's apartment and sat on the couch beside the ANBU. 

"Why do you need a bodyguard Akira-san?"Naruto asked curiously.

"Young boy, I'm not Hasegawa's bodyguard. I'm his-"

"Caretaker."Akira cut him off."He will follow me almost 24/7 except when I go to bed or the bathroom. He will guard me from any harm."Akira explained. He then smirked at the ANBU. 

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