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I woke up with a head ache I always have head aches when I cry myself to sleep. "Meg start packing" my father yells. So I started packing. I finished packing around noon and it didn't take that long because I don't really own many things. "Dad please can't I stay I mean I love Sarah and I really want to stay with her please dad" I walked I'm to see Nick trying to get my dad to let him stay here. Nick is 16. Josh is 14. I am 16. "Nick stop trying to win over your father over its not going to work I tell you" chuckled my mother. "Nick you are coming with us and that is final". "It's not my fault my sister is an unsocial freak" Nick mumbled just loud for only me to hear. "I bet you wish I would just die. Being I am an unsocial freak an all right" I yelled at Nick. Everybody went quiet and turned to me, but I didn't care I was angry that my own brother, my own blood would say something like that to me. "M-Meg I didn't mean it I swear I just don't wanna leave Rachel and don't ever say I would I wish you would die because I don't". "Whatever just leave me alone" I said in a still very clearly upset voice. I ran to my room tears rolling off my cheek. When I got into my room I slammed my door and cried for a bit until I heard a knock.

Nicks P.O.V (Point Of View)

"I bet you wish I would just die. Being I am am unsocial freak and all" Meg yelled holding back tears. Everyone went silent and looked at her and I knew exactly why. I was the one who helped her with being bullied and here I am saying bad things about my own blood. I made myself sick."M-Meg I didn't mean it I swear I just don't wanna leave Rachel and don't ever say I wish you would just die because I don't" I said apologetically. "Whatever just leave me alone" she said running to her room as tears run down her face.

Meg's P.O.V

I ran into my room and cried until I heard a "Let me in I wanna explain what I meant" Nick said desperately. "What exactly did you mean Nick I mean come on do I look stupid" I yelled in anger. "Meg please just let me in or I will get in by force" he yelled clearly angry.I walked up to the door tears still falling from my face and opened it. I saw tear stains on Nicks face. "Nick w-why are you crying" I asked confused. "M-Meg I just can't handle seeing you upset and when u saw your face when I said that reminded me I those times when those kids bullied you and you came to me crying and I felt so bad for those kids" he said crying but chucking toward the end. "W-Why did you feel bad for those kids"? "Because I was gunna beat them so hard that they would wish they never existed and I did" he said still sobbing a bit. "What do you mean 'you did' " I asked in full confusion. "I kinda punched them several times each in the face and for the girls I called Sarah and she beat the crap out of then". "Why would you do that I mean I don't matter that much for you to physically hurt those guys for doing what I deserved" I said in anger I really did believe that I deserved those beatings am cruel words. "What M-meg you don't m-mean that right I mean what did you do to deserve this. Nothing so stop-" "Nick I deserved all those beatings and the mean words that they said because I was born they don't like me I worthless why should I still be alive I should just kill myse-" "DON'T YOU EVEN DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE YOU DESERVE TO LIVE AS MUCH AS THE NEXT PERSON DON'T EVER SAY THAT AGAIN I MEAN IT MEG" he was crying so hard it was making me cry and I don't like people crying. (Ironic right since I do it all the time) "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean-. "NO SHUT UP MEG YOU NEED TO REALIZE YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND I LOVE YOU AND MOM AND DAD AND JOSH AND ALL OF YOUR FRIEN-" he got really quiet and looked at me and started to apologize. "Meg I'm sorry I forgot-. "FORGOT WHAT OH YEA THAT I AN AN UNSOCIAL FREAK THAT HAS NO FRIENDS YOU DIP S-". "I said I am sorry and I really didn't mean that at all it just came out and I took advantage of you and I am really sorry. I was the one who helped you when all those bullies would hurt you and here I am being about as rude and nasty and I really am sorry and I really do love you you are my little sister" he had stopped crying and was drying his tears. I had gotten up and hugged him and said "Don't ever say you are the same as those monsters you made a mistake and you were telling the truth anyway so I don't know why I freaked out and only buy 3 months big bro" I said as i was chucking. "I forgive you Nick just don't-". "I won"t he said. "Get out and go pack we need to finish we have two days until we leave". "Bye baby sis and btw I wasn't telling the truth you are not nor will ever be a unsocial freak" he said in a jester voice. "I got it I got it now leave so I can finish". He left and I started to sort through my stuff to see what I don't want. Later that night I said good night to the family and spent another countless night crying myself to sleep. What they did to me was bad not rape bad but it's really bad. My parents think the just punched me and said hurtful things but what they had done to me for so long didn't compare to that. They had done it for so long you would think I got used to it but I didn't it just got worse and worse every time I saw him. He visited my family a lot an he lived pretty close to us.

He touched me in places I don't want to discus! and it was my brother Josh's best friend. SHAWN PETERSON!!

A Secret To Tell Fanfic (werewolves addition)Where stories live. Discover now