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Hyunjin got home and threw his stuff on the floor plopping down on his bed and pulling out the letter. He stared at it running his fingers across the edges contemplating whether to open it or not. It was Jeongins but it had Hyunjin on it. Maybe Jeongin meant to leave it, yeah so it was fine that Hyunjin was going to read it. He carefully opened the envelope and pulled the paper out. It was blank on the outside but when he unfolded it the paper was filled with words. Hyunjin began to read the letter and immediately stopped as he read the words, 'I like you.' Hyunjin reread the sentence over and over just trying to make it make sense. But it didn't. Jeongin liked him? Hyunjin didn't know how to feel he had never thought about Jeongin like that or even another guy like that. He wasn't against that kind of thing or anything but he wasn't really.... Hyunjin liked Pei or at least he thought he did. He liked girls. Jeongin was such a nice person and was one of the best friends he'd ever had and he didn't want to lose him. How could he tell him he didn't like him like that? Hyunjin knew if he said anything their relationship would become awkward and eventually end. Hyunjin folded the letter back up deciding to not continue to read it. He put it in the drawer next to his bed trying to pretend he didn't read it. Hyunjin came to the conclusion that he would act like he never saw it and he and Jeongin would stay best friends and eventually Jeongin would stop liking him. Hyunjin just had to show Jeongin he liked girls. He spent the rest of the night thinking of ways to act and things to say, safe to say Hyunjin didn't sleep well.

The Next Morning In Class

Hyunjin sat at his desk unusually nervous and early. He sat there fidgeting and waiting for Jeongin to show up. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop thinking about the letter and Jeongins feelings. He was jarred from his thoughts when the person he was worrying about entered the room.

Jeongin had forgotten about the letter and had no clue he lost it making him clueless to the fact that Hyunjin had found out his biggest secret.

"Hey Hyunjin, did you do the homework? I was going to but I completely forgot," Jeongin asked happily.

Hyunjin realized how amazing a person Jeongin was in that moment. He was such a good person and he was stuck in a one sided love with him out of all people. Hyunjin didn't deserve Jeongins feelings and wanted his best friend to like someone good enough for him. He didn't want to get Jeongin involved in his mess of a life and knew he didn't deserve to be led on. So in a spur of the moment decision Hyunjin decided to make Jeongin not like him anymore. If Jeongin really liked him he would just have to help him lose feelings. Hyunjin knew one way to do that, act uninterested and if it came to it like a jerk. Stupidly Hyunjin went along with this plan not thinking about what it would cause for the future.

Jeongin noticed Hyunjin just sitting there not replying. He was confused maybe he didn't hear him he looked zoned out.

"Hyunjin?" Jeongin reached out to tap him but Hyunjin moved away from his hand, "oh um sorry.."

Hyunjin felt his heart drop hearing Jeongins voice he almost dropped his plan at that moment, almost.

The class went on with Hyunjin not even looking in Jeongins way. Jeongin just assumed Hyunjin was in a bad mood and tried not to think too much about it. Sometimes Hyunjin would come to school very moody. Sometimes Jeongin thought it could be trouble at home but then again Hyunjin never said anything about it so maybe he just wasn't a morning person. But soon Jeongin realized it was more than the usual moodiness when the teacher asked everyone to partner up. Jeongin looked at Hyunjin, his usual partner, but was surprised to see Hyunjin getting up and asking someone else. Jeongin stared disheartened as Hyunjin sat next to them. Everything was fine yesterday but suddenly Hyunjin doesn't like him anymore? What did he do?

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