Three minus Bree

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"Hey, did you guys know we had a study abroad program?" Bree asked to her siblings and Amelia in the hallways of the school. "

"Why would I go to another country to do something i don't do here?" Adam furrowed his eyebrows as he questioned his sister.

Bree ignored Adam and showed Chase the pamphlet, "look, it says you get to spend a whole semester at high school in Australia. And guess what? I applied."

"Cool! Kelly Porter went last year. She got sucker punched by a kangaroo." Leo mimicked a punch as he spoke.

"Well, all right. I guess we're all going to Australia." Adam said.

Everyone stated to get excited but Bree stopped the celebration, "uh, no, no, no. No way, this is my thing. I can finally be on my own, i can study, travel, make new friends."

"I hate to be a wet blanket-"

"No you don't" Leo interrupted Chase.

"But, Mr Davenport is never going to let you do this, you can't go on missions if you're half way across the world."

"Well, sure i can. I mean, I haven't figured out all the details yet, but there's got to be a way i can make it work."

"Not unless these two unlock a new ability to make up for you not being here." Leo stated.

"Ooh! Maybe i can unlock a new ability where i appear and disappear somewhere else." Adam pitched in.

"Isn't that geoleaping?" Amelia questioned.

"Yes, yes it is. Give me a minute i'm going to try." Adam began to squat and clenched his firsts really tight. He closed his eyes and tried to move, "did it work?"

"You didn't do it long enough. Try again, and this time more grunting." Chase encouraged his brother to try again, which he did. When Adam closed his eyes everyone rushed to the other side of Adam. When he reopened his arms he thought that he had been successful and fist bumped into the air and cheered.


Back at the house Mr Davenport walked into the living room in a huff, "Bree is there something you want to tell me?"

Next to her, Adam spoke up, "i got this. Look, we all like you. But we think Tasha could've done better." Adam walked into the kitchen with chase.

"I just got a phone call that said you'd been accepted to study in Australia."

"What? Thats crazy, do they mention what day im leaving?" Bree replied.

"You're not going."


"c'mon Bree it was obvious, even Adam saw that one coming." Chase took a swig of his water.

Adam had gotten a plate of meats out of the fridge, " no idea what you're talking about, already moved on to cold cuts."

"You can't abandon the team. What if Adam and Chase picked up and left for a month?"

"Well, then i wouldn't have to go to Australia. I wouldn't just be leaving you guys.  I can superspeeded back anytime you need me."

"That's not the only issue. What about your bionics? Your training? Your capsule?"

"Mr Davenport this is really important to me. Can't we at least discuss it?"

"We just did. You're not studying abroad. End of conversation." Donald walked out of leaving room, feeling more furious than when he walked in.

"So unfair!"

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