Bionic action hero: part one.

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/cba with the space elevator, we all know they're idiots and that Leo is prone to crushing limbs also , 1 spent way too much time procasinating this chapter for literally no reason I'll try to get better at updating eventually  thanks for still reading My story this much appreciated and I didn't expect so many people to like it this much \

Douglas came spinning into the common area, Adam, Amelia, Bree, Chase and Leo looked at him with large smiles as they saw his obvious happiness radiating the room, "guess who i just got off the phone with." Douglas chuckled, "Giselle Vickers."

"The big Hollywood filmmaker?" Bree questioned.

"She is legendary! She made all the killer zombie trucker movies.because of her, i can't be at a truck stop." Leo informed.

"That's right. And get this. Her next blockbuster is gonna be called Bionic action hero." Douglas smiled.

"Awesome! What's it about?" Adam Asked.

"A bionic action hero."

"Huh. Save your money, sounds like a flop."

"And the best part, it's based on you guys."

Adam, bree and Leo got up from there seats shocked and gleeful over the news. "Woah, woah, woah, the same person that makes those lane zombie movies is going to make our movie?" Chase scoffed, "no way."

"Must you ruin everything?" Leo sneered at Chase.

"Relax, Chase. Giselle's an old college friend. We spent a lot of time in the robotics lab together before she switched careers." Douglas chuckled as he thought about old times.

"Oh, i see what's going on here. You love her." Amelia smiled, prodding Douglas' arm with her index fingers.

"Okay okay, yeah we dated a bit."

"Aw, what happened?"

"Sometimes people grow apart." He started to choke up.

"She dumped you didn't she?" Bree said.

"Worst day of me life! And I've been to prison four times. Anyway, she wants the film to portray bionic accurately, so she's coming here to research with the actor that's playing you guys."

"Wait. Actor? Single? Are you saying that they're going to merge Adam bree and Chase into one character?" Amelia said, trying not to snicker.

"In the film there aren't three bionic superheroes. To simplify it, there's just one with all of their abilities."

"Dam, well whose the actor?"

"Some new up-and-comer Troy West."

"Overrated but okay."

"Wait, no, they're just going to throw some rookie in the leading role. I don't want any pat of this." Chase said.

"I don't blame you, these types of things hardly end well."

"I agree with chase and Amelia here." Bree agreed, "you only have one chance to have your life turned into a movie it should be done right."

"Exactly." Leo said, "so, who's playing me? Denzel, Will Smith? Oh who am i kidding? Those guys can't bring the Dooley."

"Sorry, Leo. There is no character based on you." Douglas informed.


"It's called Bionic action hero, not kind of bionic sort of action hero."

"Look, if they want someone to play a bionic hero, why don't they use me? I'm an actor. I starred in a school play."

"You had one line, Adam, and you forgot it."

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