Bionic Rebellion:part 2

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In the common area it was three against three as the mentors stood against the bionic rebels. The original bionic kids turned their heads to look at the monitor where their father and perry where scrapping for oxygen. "What are we going to do? We have to save Mr.  Davenport." Bree said to her brothers.

"And Perry." Adam stated.

"Absolutely.  Time permitting." Chase added, thinking that Perry's death wouldn't be a huge loss.

"You know what? I'll save you the trip. You can say goodbye to both of them from here." Sebastian pressed a button on his watch and a screen of the common area appeared in the hydro loop.

"We're saved!" Donald exclaimed.

"Not exactly."

"Sebastian. He blew up the hydro loop tunnel and cut off your oxygen supply." Chase informed.

"So bad news, we're going to need a new hydro loop tunnel." Adam added.


"Well we can't tell him we're going to need a new father too that would be rude."

"Look, will someone please tell me what's going on?"

"Sebastian knows about Krane, and he's trying to start a rebellion with the rest of the students." Bree explained.

"What? Ow does he know about Krane?"

Adam and Bree both turned their heads to look at their brother who was regretting everything in that moment, "i might have told him, only because i thought we were friends."

"See, there's your first mistake, who'd want to be your friend?" Perry snapped.

"Chase has been very helpful. And once my brothers and sisters have heard what really happened to our father they'll join me. Then... we can fulfill his dreams of bionic humans ruling the world."

"Guys, don't let him near the other students, they're not ready to hear about Krane yet! They won't understand why we had to destroy their creator."

"Then you probably should've have just told them."

In the training area all the student's eyes were focused on the screen that contained Donald telling them the truth, unwillingly and unknowingly. When the truth finally filled the air they all turned to face Amelia and Leo, "did you know about this?" Spin screamed at Leo.

"I- i mean they just, that is just messed up."

"Leo..." Amelia said grabbing his arm and stepping back, "look, guys we can explain this, and we could but i think Donalds about to do that for us, right?"

"Thanks, Amelia. Guys, please believe me. I was planning on telling you about Krane eventually, but i couldn't let anything interfere with teaching you to become bionic heroes. I needed you to trust-" the screen went black, Sebastian cut him off before he won over the students.

Amelia let out an uncomfortable laugh, "look, guys, I know this isn't great but you just have to listen to us. Krane wasn't a good guy, he put an app in your brain that controlled your every movement, he left you all to be mindless confused kids your entire childhood. He forced you to commit countless crimes not to mention the fact that one of those crimes was murder which i was a victim to. All we did by removing krane from the picture was save your lives and countless innocent ones. So for that i am not sorry, but i am sorry for any sadness and confusion this has called you but you have to see we are not the bad guys." She looked into the crowd of bionic soldiers, they stood so closely together that their huddle was creating a shadow on the floor, powerful enough to allow her to shadow travel when she needed it. All the students eyes seemed to be so filled with anger still and distrust that she knew her speech wouldn't save the day. She leant closer to Leo and whispered, "have you got it from here?"

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