1 | Father and Daughter

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"You don't like flyin', do you?" I opened my eyes as I found out I actually fallen asleep during our flight

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"You don't like flyin', do you?" I opened my eyes as I found out I actually fallen asleep during our flight. "What gives you that idea?" My Dad asked the passenger, sitting next to us. He was really talktive, exact opposite of my Dad. "You wanna know the secret to surviving air travel?" He continued. "After you get where you're going, take off your shoes and your socks. Then you walk around on the rug barefoot and make fists with your toes."

"Uhm..Fists with your toes?" I joined the conversation as it taken me by surprise. "I know, I know. It sounds crazy." He laughed. "Trust me. I've been doin' it for nine years. Yes, it's better than a shower and a hot cup of coffee." I nodded in agreement, hoping he'll be silent for the rest. "Alright then." My Dad muttered and standed up to take down our bags and Christmas presents. Suddenly, I noticed the male passenger staring over my Dad with most likely widen eyes from shock. I quickly realized.

"Yeah, you see right. My Dad is cop." I said and tried make the situation more comfortable by smiling. "Trust me. I've been doin' this for 11 years and so will my daughter in future." My Dad commented, winking. "Me? A cop?! Never in lifetime, Dad!" I protested in funny way. He chuckled as he messed with my hair, until there was an annoucment. "On behalf of your captain and crew...we'd like to welcome you
to Los Angeles. Have a very Merry Christmas." We were finally here!

I standed up and helped Dad to carry the large teddy bear, we bought for my two younger siblings. Then we went straightaway to pick up our suitcases. "Do you think they will like it?" I asked as I was little tired of carrying the bear through the airport, along with my suitcases. He was pretty heavy. "You'd adore it when you were their age!" He responded with smile. I rolled my eyes as I had to agree with him. "Don't worry, this Christmas will be absolute blast, I promise, I've been good, Santa's gonna be proud."

"Sure he will." I giggled. "By the way what did you get me for Christmas?" He turned at me. "Not me, Santa, Caroline! Santa!" I landed the bear on suitcases to punch him to his shoulders. "Dad, come on, I'm 20 and I wanted only one thing from you, did you get it?" He stopped, rolling his eyes. "You mean that recent cop comedy with that nuts cop called Riggs on VHS?" My eyes shined from happiness as he said that. "Dad, you are the best!" I ignored he was holding suitcases and jumped in his arms to hug him.

"Watch out, dear, but I'm happy when you are still showing this much love to your old father." He joked, hugging me back. "Dad, please! You're not old, you are in your best age." I said in defense. "I wish your mother would think the same." He sighed and placed me little kiss on forehead. "She thinks so too, I know all will work out, it's Christmas after all. Everyone's a good cheer and so will be Mom." I tried to make him think positive. "I already see her being good cheer." He joked.

We walked for a while, until Dad finally spotted what we were looking for. A black guy, little older than me, dressed in suit holding card of Nakatomi Plaza with dad's name. "Hey, I'm John McClane." Dad introduced to him. "Heyyy! I'm Argyle. I'm your limo driver." He greeted in return, staring at me. "Nice girl..I mean bear!" He exclaimed with nervous laugh.

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