Chapter Seven: "Marco Polo."

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Question: Have you ever watched One Tree Hill? If so, who is your favorite character? Your favorite ship?

I love Nathan and Haley the most :)

Seven: "Marco Polo."

"Hey, Peyton," Cody says, barging into my room.

"Hey," I reply, pausing One Tree Hill. "What's up?"

"Can we talk?"

"Um, sure." I get up off of my couch and sit next to him on my bed.

"I need some advice."

"On what?"

"Well, you're a girl. And I wanted to get a girl's opinion. And I-I really hope this isn't awkward for you," He says, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

I gently smile, "Of course not. You can come to me with anything."

He laughs, "Okay. So, my friend's birthday is coming up, and I have no idea what to get her. I don't like her, I just wanted to get her something good for her birthday."

"Okay, well what does she like?"

"She likes soccer. Her favorite color is blue. Um, she loves music and her phone. That's all I can think of right now."

"Well, buy her an iTunes gift card and maybe a little soccer keychain with a blue soccer ball or something."

"Cool. Thanks, you're the best."

"I know."

"What are you watching?" He asks me, changing the subject.

I smile, "One Tree Hill."

He frowns, "I've never heard of it."

My eyes widen and I drag him over to the couch to watch my favorite show with me.

I send Max a quick text to come to my room.

"You texted?" Max asks, barging into my room.

"Cody's never heard of One Tree Hill," I inform him.

Max's eyes widen, and he runs and sits on the other side of me on the couch.

"We're watching. Start from the beginning," Max says, grabbing the remote out of my hands and restarts the show.

"But I was on my favorite episode!" I whine, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"You can come back to it."

We end up watching two episodes before Cody stands up. "This show is so boring. You people have fun with your stupid teen drama."

"We will!" Max and I yell in unison as Cody leaves my room.

"Can we go back to my favorite episode now?" I ask him.

He smiles at me, "Sure."

I switch it to Season 3 Episode 16 and we finish out the episode before he leaves my room to take a nap.

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