"You Strengthen And Weaken Me"

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"I had to get rid of them because they were in the way of our love!"

You're a medic helping out injured soldiers that were sent out to war.

Your country had declared war against another country due to some sort of political disagreement.

Your country was losing and it was about to reach it's doom. But your country was still determined to gain victory. So, they created a weapon.

"G-General Fritz, w-where exactly are we going?" You stammered as you, The General, and some soldiers walk through a bright lab hallway.

"I wanted you to meet someone. Let's just hope that they'll be fine in meeting you." General Fritz said, taking a glance of you.

You were quite anxious on what was going to happen. You kept thinking if they were going to experiment on you with one of their crazy serums.

You parted ways with the General. There were two soldiers that led you to a room. Inside that room was a futuristic armoured gate.

You felt as if you were in SCP - Containment Breach.

You stared at the gate, not noticing that the two soldiers had left you all by yourself in that room.

You flinch at the sound of a speaker being turned on inside the room. You turn around to see a one way mirror.

"I apologize for doing this to you Ms./Mr./Mx. [Name]. This experiment must be done as we are running out of test subjects." You heard the General's voice speaking out of the speaker.

"W-What? What's happening? What are you going to do to me?!" You yelled out, afraid that you might not see the light of day again.

"Please stay calm or this experiment might end up failing again and we do not want that as we are running out of time. Our country needs to survive. You are our only hope." The general responded in a tactful manner.

You tried calming yourself down but you couldn't help but panic at the fact that they turned you into a test subject for something that you never agreed to.

"When the gate opens, please refrain from making any movement. S - 159  may possibly attack you. If they do not attack you and seem hesitant, make yourself seem approachable. Be kind to them." A different voice had said as a mere warning.

"O-Okay..." You replied, slightly nodding.

You knew that you didn't have a choice and you couldn't really pursue them to get you out of the room. So, you decided to obey their demands.

You turn back to the gate as it started to slowly open. It was possible that you were going to die but maybe... Just maybe, you can escape the S - 159's wrath and somehow get away.

As the gates were fully open, you see a room. It was a wide white room with really bright lights. On the right side of the room was a sink, a toilet, and a bathtub. On the left side of the room, was a bed with a person sitting on it.

The person had it's back turned away from you as it had not noticed your presence just yet.

The lights started to rapidly flicker until the the light bulbs exploded due to the pressure.

You shut your eyes and covered your head, expecting shattered pieces of the light bulb above you to fall onto you. But you felt nothing land on you.

You open one eye to see nothing as it was pitch black. You couldn't see anything but you felt a presence in front of you, staring at you as you covered your head with your arms.

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