With All My Heart

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That night after the one-night-stand with Oliver, Kara had troubles falling asleep. She just wanted to stop thinking about him, but she couldn't.
  After a few twists and turns she somehow managed to fall asleep. But she drifted into a very unusual dream. She found herself wearing a pitch black wedding dress. The black vail was giving it away. Her lips were red as blood and she had flowers stuck on arrows in her hand. She had no idea where she was but it looked like an attic. She peaked outside and saw a rooftop that looked very dark and depressing. No decorations, no chairs just a bunch of people all dressed in black aside from one of them who wore a yellow suit.
  The dream got even more unusual when she saw the faces of the people in black clothing. She could spot someone who looked like Winn but strange evil laughter seemed to come from his pockets. Then she noticed someone who looked like her cousin but with a very grumpy expression on his face. Wasn't he a fan of whoever she was going to marry? Anyway that wasn't even the most unusual part. Her gaze spotted someone who looked like Barry but with an awful burn-mark or scar across one whole side of his face. Next to him she spotted Iris who seemed to have an itch of some kind. A few steps away she saw Killer Frost and someone who looked like Cisco was standing next to her. Suddenly her gaze landed on some kind of Nazi leader but she didn't recognize him at all. Then a strange notion washed over her. Everyone she knew looked like evil versions of themselves. And as if that wasn't strange enough someone who looked like Oliver suddenly appeared from an attic on the other side of the roof. Then she found herself approaching him. There was no music playing and no happy faces anywhere. Aside from a crazy smile on the guy who looked like Winn's face. But when she was standing next to Oliver he gave her a sweet smile. And she almost warmed up. Because she hadn't noticed until then, but she felt very empty and emotionless until the wedding ceremony started. The Nazi stranger was officiating the wedding and he spoke in German so she didn't understand a word of what he was saying. Suddenly Oliver spoke. "Kara, from the moment I met you I knew you were the only person in the world that I need. With you by my side I know I can accomplish anything." he said and her tense mood turned into a sweet smile as she looked into his eyes. "I love you." he added.
  When she spoke she barely recognized her own voice because it sounded so different from her own. "Oliver, I don't need you, but I wanted you from the day that we met and I'll want you until the day that I die. And I love you with all my heart." she said. The words came out from her mouth but they were still words she'd never ever use and especially not with Oliver. Why was she marrying him in a black wedding dress? The dream only got more unusual by the second.
  Then the Nazi leader spoke again and Kara once again didn't understand a word.
  "I do." Oliver suddenly said as he placed a ring on her finger. The Nazi continued and now he turned towards her. "I do." she said and found herself holding a ring that she placed on his finger. The Nazi said something again and then Oliver lifted her vail and leaned in and kissed her. Once their lips parted Kara woke up from the dream.
  Then she turned over and was relieved when she remembered that Oliver was gone. Things would definitely have been weird if she dreamed about him while she was sleeping next to him. But thankfully she wasn't. The dream still left her feeling weird for a while before she decided to get up and try to forget about it.

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